Chapter 4. ; Party

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Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but I'll try be updating more regularly:) Oh and sorry this is rushed, but I really want to get to my main story line which will be a big twist further down Niall and Alex's 'friendship' :D Anyways have a good Christmas! -Emily


I feel my pulse staring to quicken as I reach her. She has mud all over her legs and her make up is all down her face because of the crying. When I reach her I don't say anything and just hold her in my arms and let her cry. I swear to god, whoever did this to her I am going to kill them. 

After a few minutes of her sat in my arms she pulls away and whispers

"I'm so sorry Niall, this 'friend date' or whatever it is, is ruined",

I squeeze her hand, "Don't worry about that Alex"

She wipes the tears away from her face, and tries to lighten the mood

"I bet I look like shit now with make up everywhere and mud all over my legs". I just look into her beautiful green eyes and the words

"No, you look beautiful, you don't need all that make up anyway" slip out of my mouth.

She smiles "Thanks Niall, that's really sweet, C'mon let me quickly go back to my room and sort this mess out and we'll still go where ever we were meant too?"

She bites her lip...I really want to kiss her right now, shit Niall, calm down its only meant to be a 'friend date' remember.

"Are you sure? Don't you just want to go home for tonight?" She shakes her head and stands up, I join her ,slipping my hand around her waist. 

About 30 minutes later Alex had cleaned off her legs, changed into some black flats and wiped all the make up off her face. I think she looks stunning, I don't get why she makes such an effort when she honestly doesn't need it. As we walk back to the park she picks up the courage to tell me what happened. I feelt the anger grow inside of me. Who would do something like that?

"Don't worry Alex, I swear if I see them, they'll be dead in a second" I wink at her and she smiles back.

When we reach the picnic mat I had set up earlier she gasps "Woah Niall, this is so pretty and thoughtful, thanks" I feel relieved that she likes it, hopefully the rest of the night goes perfectly.

Alex's POV

The picnic is amazing and we've talked about so much. I've realised that Niall is actually a genuine guy. We've talked about everything, our families, our past relationships, our favourite things, our least favourite things and just little details that you wouldn't normally know about one another.

I look down at my watch, its 11. Phoebe is going to kill me, but I'm out now so I might aswell enjoy it. Niall has made me forget all about those jerks earlier and it actually has been a really enjoyable 'friend date'. But there is a small part of me that wishes this wasn't just as friends, I know its bad because he's the man slut and stuff but I just can't help it. 

I've decided to bring Niall to my favourite nightclub. A guy, Jace, from my class at school works here as a bouncer through the week so I know we can get in without having to be on the list. I walk up to Jace and he greets me with a friendly smile.

"Hey Alex, What's up?"

I bite my lip, "Urr, could you maybe possibly get me and my friend Niall into the club?" without another word he opens the barrier and lets us in. I smile back at him as I drag Niall along with me.

"Woah this place is amazing" he comments.

We walk over to the bar area and I order us two shots. Tonight is going to be the best night ever, I'm not letting those idiots put me down. I drag Niall onto the dance floor and start going crazy.

Niall POV

Alex is beyond drunk right now, it's actually quite funny. She's on the bar dancing around and I can see guys checking her out, which is actually pissing me off. I can't seem to keep my eyes off of her, and I know its wrong we're meant to be just friends. This happens a lot, I take girls out and we have a good time but they are just never right for me, but after talking with Alex today about everything I really feel a connection between us that I haven't felt for any other girl.

Alex jumps off the bar and comes over to me.

"Hey sexy" she smirks and leans into me.

"Woah Alex, maybe I should get you home".

I carry her out of the bar and back into my car. I have only had a couple drinks so I'm alright to drive. Its 3am so I'm guessing I shouldn't take her back to her dorms, the block will probably be locked anyway so she can come back to mine and sleep there. 

As we are driving along the road I look to my side to see that Alex has fallen asleep. I can't help smile to myself at how adorable she is. She has this tough exterior which is hard to get through but behind it I see a genuinely innocent and venerable girl. I pull into the driveway of my house that I share with my friends Harry, Louis and Sam. I stop and stare at her beautiful complexion. Her hair is all messed up due to her crazy dancing but it still looks like she had purposely tried to make it look that way, as it looks perfect on her. Her face is slightly pink due to all the alcohol I'm presuming and she is making a small purring noise as she sleeps. I really don't know what to do with this girl.

I think I'm really starting to like her and I've had the best night tonight, seeing her venerable side, casual side and also crazy side. I've got to see every piece of her and that really makes me feel happy. I hope she feels the same way about me or I really don't know what I'm going to do.

I carry her up to my room and lay her on my bed, I cover her will my blanket and kiss her on the forehead. I grab a blanket from the cupboard and head to the living room where I'll be sleeping tonight. I hear the front door closing and Harry walks into the living room

"Hey mate, you're back late" he just looks at the floor

"yeah been out with the lads, I think they've taken it too far tonight Niall, you're right they really are jerks".

He walks out of the room back to his own. Harry recently has been hanging out with these guys who are absolute douches. They live on the campus together and the only reason Harry has been going around with them is because he likes one of the guy's sister and he wants to keep in his good books, but I think he finally realises that they are idiots and aren't nice people. I turn off all the lights and make my way to the sofa.

The next morning I wake to the sound of Harry making breakfast. He makes the best food EVER and I'm so hungry so this should be amazing. I remember that Alex is still asleep in my room, "Harry, can you please go to my room? I brought a girl home last night and she will probably want breakfast, I really need to pee soo..." He rolls his eyes and walks up the stairs to my room. However infact I'm just planning on shoving as much as the food in the mouth as I can now before he gets back. 

I few seconds later I hear a scream from upstairs. As I run towards my room Alex crashes into me still wearing her clothes from last night.

"Niall, it's him. It's one of those guys from last night, why is he here? what does he want?". She goes into a full on panic and I hold her in my arms to calm her down.

"Harry? What is she talking about? It wasn't you and those guys? Please tell me it wasn't..."

He looks to the ground nervously "Listen Niall, I didn't mean for any of this to happen they took it too far and ..."

I am going to fucking kill him. 

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