chapter 4

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The road stretched out further than I could handle. I was running out of breath. But I knew my house was close. I would just have a little while longer and I would be able to get home and Forget everything. Like I always do.

That's when I heard the police siren. I turned around and looked up. A tall policeman with his arms crossed stood staring coldly at me. The women who I'd stolen from emerged from the car. Her face was hot red. " There! That's the girl!"

 She took two long steps towards me. I hunched over. The policeman fiddled around in his pocket until he finally brought out a notepad and a pen. "Name?" I shook my head. Everything was moving too fast. I lost myself. It was a mistake. I was a good girl. I kicked the policemen in the leg and began to race back down the road. I turned back and oticed he wasn't chasing after me. I stopped to catch my breath. Feeling woozy Ieaned against the wall. Why weren't they chasing me? That's when I realised, he was callling for more police.

They clambered into the car and started the engine. My feet wouldn't move. I was done for. I slipped to the ground. Feeling the cold pavement with my finger tips, I knew it was all over. I'd let every body down, Mum,Sam.... Everyone. Suddenly I felt my arm being tugged at. I was being pulled. I turned around. " Sam?"

Then I was pulled through a window. I took deep breaths. I had to calm down. But it was hard. I closed my eyes.  " Sam? Is that you? Sam?"

I felt cold heavy breathing on my shoulder. My heart beat with anticipation. I decided I could not wait any longer. I sat up and looked at the person. It wasn't  Sam.

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