chapter 12

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I couldn't breathe. His hand covered my mouth. Each finger pressed down hard on my lips. It was dark for a few minutes. And then he switched on a light. I struggled to adjust to the light. But I could see his sadistic smile. When I could finally see I screamed. But his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and I couldn't break free. He chuckled and leaned over to my ear. His stubble poked at my cheek.

"Me and you are going to have fun..." He whispered. " I think we'll be great friends."

I gagged at the idea of what he was going to do to me. He stood up. His hair was shaved and a faint brown. His eyes were grey and his face was pink. I tried to wriggle away but he stomped on my foot. Making something crack. The pain was intense. I whined. "Stupid girl. Don't try and run or I'll kill you."

He unbuttoned his shirt and loosened his belt. I knew what was going to happen. But I wouldn't let it happen.

I only had a tiny bit of strength left. I raised my feet up. My heels high and pointed up at his shoulders.

I closed my eyes and counted to three. 1,2,3 go!

My heels dug into his shoulder. He yelled louder than anything I'd ever heard. Blood began to trickle down his arms and onto the floor. He stood still. Not speaking. He dropped to the floor and rolled into a ball. Moving his hands around he found the bloody wound. He felt how deep it was and  fainted.

I took deep breaths and ran past him. Through an open window I could see and hear the loud club music. I was almost there.

At the party I finally found Leon. He was swaying back and forth and looked tipsy. He took a big stride over to me and swung his arm over my shoulder. Shouting over the music he said. "LET'S GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!"

He handed me tons of drinks and egged me on to drink each and every one of them. I think I got drunk. Because he took me back to his place.

His flat was okay. White walls with one blue wall. The kitcen was like any normal one. I wanted to slump onto his couch and sleep. But he took me to his bedroom.

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