chapter 21

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A few hours past until finally mum arrived. She pufed and slowly jogged into the ward. She looked red faced and flushed. Stroking her hair back, she leaned on the wall. A nurce approached her. She clutched onto a bulky book with papers seeping out. She passed one to mum. Mum nodded and followed the nurce over to a sanitation soap dispencer. I heard the nurce mumble something, but from what I could grasp she had said, " It's in the best interest of the other people here. Just to keep them happy."

Mum squirted a tiny piece onto her hands and rubbed it in her palm. The nurce pointed to my bedroom and mum wobbled over. She pulled the curtain slightly and let out a faint gasp. "M-My baby! Ooh! Look at all these bruises! Who did this to you? Do you remember Brooklyn? Was it your father? Did he come after you? Leon? Was it Leon? Is that his name? Your boyfriend.... Ooh.. never like him from the start-"

"Mum." I interrupted. " It wasn't Leon... It was...."

Mum leaned forward. Her faces changed dramatically. She changed her worried face to that of a serious one. "Who did this?"

I opened my mouth a bit and let it stay there. " I-It was... My fault, I guess... I mean... I don't remember much... Kind of a blur... You know?"

Mum looked perplexed. She scratched hard at her hair and brushed down her shirt. "U-Um okay honey. You get better soon alright?"

I nodded. "Where are you going mum?"

She blushed. "Well, I met this really nice guy... I hope you'll like him, His name's Andrew... He's really sweet too. He has one kid of his own too... But she lives with his ex..."

I sighed. "You've got a date.. Haven't you?"

Mum smiled limply. "Oh... Come on Brookly! I'm 48 years old! I have to live my life! I can't look over you like a bloody bee to a flower! Let me live! I'll drop dead of boredom!"

A nurce peered through the curtain. " Please be quiet. Some of the other patients are trying to sleep."

Mum turned around. " Sorry. I was just leaving."

The nurce paid no attention and looked straight at me. "Are you alright my love?"

" Yes thanks."

She grinned and lleft us alone. An awkward silence followed. Mum came up to me and kissed my forehead. "Goodbye Brooklyn. Get some sleep now."

As she turned her back and I reached my arm out to her. But I pulled back at the suden sharp pain. Pulling up my sleeves, I noticed that I had blue, black and red marks surfacing my arm. I soon found there were more on my leg, neck, chest and hands. And I couldn't care less. I just wanted to know that my baby was safe.

I thought about how wonderful it would be to cradle a baby of my own in my arms. I bent down and stroked my tummy softly. I hummed faintly. Then I spoke to it. " Don't worry baby... I'll protect you. And when you're born, We'll run away together. Just you and me. We can go where ever and no-one will know. I promise..."

PS. I love you sirTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang