chapter 10

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Lucy slipped off my knees and onto he floor. Whimpering. I stood up and snatched my coat. I couldn't believe what was happening. My head span and the rooms lights began to whirl. I lost it.

"I HATE YOU! I GET IT! I'M JUST A STUPID RETARD!" I threw cushions on the floor and pulled at the curtains. Lucy screamed and clung to Adam's leg. I kicked at the wall and wiped my tears away. My face was hot and I felt sick, but I couldn't stop. I could feel the rage digging at me. Every grab and pinch harder than the last.

"Enough!" Adam shouted. His face was white as a sheet. "Enough. Just go. Please. I don't want to see you right now."  He scooped Lucy into his arms and walked right past me into the kitchen. He placed her on a stool and began making her juice. He paid no attention to me. He hummed and soon enough Lucy joined in too. I looked at them for one more minute. And left .

By the time I'd got his apartment, it was lunchtime at school. I knew that if  I came back to school they'd expell me or something. So I decided to go home.

Mum was in her usual position. On the left side of the couch, shouting at the screen as Jeremy Kyle read out he DNA tests and proved a man wrong. Her hair was thinning and brown. Tattoos covered her arm and back. They looked old and tatered as grey hairs seeped through.

She jumped when she saw me. "Hello. What are you doing 'ere so early?"

I patted my hair back and walked past her. "I got bored." I said casualy striding past her. She could never know.

PS. I love you sirWhere stories live. Discover now