chapter 14

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I woke with a slight headache. The sunlight shone hard on my eyes so I slipped back under the covers. I felt for my clothes, a vest or some trousers but couldn't find any.  I quickly began to panic and grabbed one of Leon's old shirts. It was bigger than my actual waist line but at least I was clothed.

Leon slept for another 20 minutes. I watched him. I fiddled with his hair and ran my finger down his neck. I soon grew bored and peeked under the covers. I couldn't believe it... Leon was naked.

I immediatly began to think about what to do, what had happened between us. My head stirred and I couldn't think straight. I hit my head hard and tried to make myself think it was a dream. But two parts in my head clicked and I knew what had gone on last night.

Between the drinks and the harmless banter I could tell that he'd lured me into....stuff. I tried hard not to cry but I did. I was just like Kia. A normal girl in her  teens who made the wrong choices. I was just like any other poor little girl who had strayed from the pack and had been captured. Leon made me feel special, but he used me. For his own devices. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower belly. I dashed down to the bathroom and bent over into the toilet. I vomited.

As soon as I was done I collapsed on the floor. My legs  felt weak, as did my arms. I washed my face and swished water in my mouth. Why was I sick?

"Baby!" I heard Leon call. He was wearing pants now. He walked over to me and held me close. He then pulled away and stared hard at me. "You look pale. Sit down okay babe?"

I obeyed and sat. But I couldn't get over what had happened. "Leon..." I began. "Did we... you know...?"

He blushed. " Yeah."

"A-And did we use... protection?"

He took a step back. " Umm... No. B-But! No one gets pregnant just like that! It doesn't work that way! I promise."

"Okay.. I believe you."

His shoulders relaxed and slipped next to me. "Why don't I make you breakfast."

PS. I love you sirOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant