chapter 22

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Later that day, Mariah and Alicia arrived. They rushed towards me and cuddled. Mariah began to tear up at the sight of me.

" You're practically skin and bone!" She cried. " Nurse! Could someone get Brooklyn food?"

I laughed. They were the best friends ever. Mariah and Alicia had always had things better. They lived in an estate called Rushmore palace. That's how they'd met. Both of them had families who were still together, and Alicia's mum is pregnant to another child; A girl if i'm correct.

Mariah had  brown fair hair, Alicia had long red hair  that was always in a neat ponytail. I never thought that either of them would have been my friends... But they were.

Mariah switched on the TV. Switching the channels until she reached the news. Alicia sighed. "You're you boring Mariah!"

Mariah shrugged her shoulders and paid no attention from the ongoing teasing. I began to close my eyes feeling suddenly drowsy when Alicia shot up and tapped my arm. She was wide-eyed and waved her hands around.

"What's wrong with you two?" I groaned, noticing Mariah had now joined in. " What's going on?"

Mariah moved out the way of the screen and pointed to the television. In front of me was the street in which me and Samantha; My closest friend, had been caught drinking.

The news reporter stood with a grim face and a microphone. Next to her, was Samantha's mum.

"It was only this morning that Samantha Olsen, 17, was found dead in this exact street. Samantha, as her family described her, was a good girl who respected her family. The family stated that their teenager had gone missing a few weeks ago. But was last seen with a girl of a similar age. Footage was taken by a witness who claimed that it was on a Monday, and they should have been in school."

My hands went weak, but my eyes were fixed on the screen. They began to show the footage. It was me and Sam... It showed me and her drinking... It showed Mrs Bartholomew... And me running off... Soon Samantha ran off... And the footage ended.

I swear that I heard my heart beat stop. Mariah began to tear up. Alicia kept a straight face, rubbing Mariah's back up and down. She turned to me.

"God... I'm so sorry... Brooklyn... We better go home. See you tomorrow. Bye..."

Oh my God... Samantha... was dead.

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