That's gay

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Just a short sex scene bc my friend wont shut the fuck up about it so enjoy. Also edited.

Ragged breathing can be heard from Yuri's room. 

"Why can't they just keep it down?!" Russian Yuri was just trying to get some sleep, but you can't really do that when all you hear is the bedframe banging against the wall and high-pitched moans coming from the room next to yours.

Another moan. Yuri groaned and flopped but onto his bed. It's bad enough he has to live here, but now he has to listen to Victor and Yuuri fucking? He brings the pillow and pulls it around his head to shut out the noise.

"Yuuri." Victor sighed into Yuuri's ear. "I don't think I can go anymore." He is panting from all the fucking he'd been doing. He could hear Yuuri whine. They were both still hard, having come 3 times each already. Jesus, how much can he go? Victor thought.

"Do you need to rest?" Yuuri was also panting but due to his amazing amounts of stamina he didn't feel as tired as Victor.

Victor, still panting pulled out of Yuuri and flopped down onto the bed next to him.

"I don't... think I can... do anymore..." He was slightly gasping. Stamina is a valuable thing to have in the rink but also in bed.  Unfortunately Victor wasn't as gifted in that department as much as Yuuri.

Yuuri was suddenly overcome with something. A sly expression crossed his face as he lounged for Victor. He threw one leg over Victor's body and straddled him. He leaned down and kissed his cheek, making his way down to his neck, sucking on the pulse point. Ragged breathing was pulled from Victor's mouth as he gasped. Yuuri bit down and gently licked the bite mark, causing the russian to let out a strangled moan. 

His hands curled up the bed sheets around him and he hung on for dear life. Yuuri stopped his attack on the man's neck and butterfly kissed his way down to his love's nipple. 

"Oh? I wonder what we have here." Yuuri started to grind down on Victor's cock as he flicked a nipple. He rolled the bud around in his fingers as he listened carefully to the small, kitten like gasps escaping his Victor's mouth. Drool already starting to trickle down his cheek. Yuuri soon attached himself to the pink bud, biting gently and sucking. He repeated the same actions to the other until Victor was writhing beneath him. Still grinding, he decided to move on and press sloppy kisses to his  very defined muscles. 

"Y-yuuri." Victor gasped, gripping the sheets harder and thrusting his hips slightly. His face was painted with a brilliant red blush.

"You look so beautiful right now, did you know that? Under me, writhing as I tease you relentlessly." Yuuri sat up and looked Victor in the eye. Victor threw his head back and moaned loudly, loving the fact that Yuuri is finally confident enough to take the reins and lose control.

"Oh? You like that? You like the way I talk to you? Oh. Victor you're so dirty!" The vulgarity accompanied by the constant thrusting of Yuuri's hips make Victor come. White ribbons paint his own chest, him shaking violently, gasping as Yuuri doesn't let up. 

"You came just by me talking to you?" Yuuri ceased to stop thrusting his hips as he bent down and kissed him lovingly. 

"That's gay."

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