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My head feels like it's going to fucking explode. Victor thought, squinting his eyes. He had had migraines before, but this is the 4th day in a row. He took his shirt off over his his and flung it towards the door, his muscles flexing. He took his jeans off and walked over to the light switch, flicking it off. He basically crawled to the bed, the pain from his head making it difficult to do anything.

"Victor?" Yuuri knocked on his door, each knock making him flinch. 

"Yes?" He said weakly. Damn, it even hurts to think. 

The door opened slightly, a small sliver of light entered the room. Victor threw the covers over his head as Yuuri snuck in and sat on the bed.

"You ok?" Yuuri asked softly, rubbing his foot.

"No." Victor responded weakly, keeping his words to a minimum.

"What's wrong, love?" Yuuri's voice carried concern.

"Head." Victor said simply, pointing to his head. 

Yuuri seemed to get the idea as he kicked off his shoes and uncovered Victor, only to crawl underneath the covers and lay next to him.

Victor felt around the bed until he found him, not willing to open his eyes. He turned over and buried his chest into the crook of Yuuri's neck. 

"W-will you be the big spoon this time?" Victor sounded so vulnerable, his usual charm, drowning in his headache.

"Oh course." Yuuri said as they rearranged themselves.

"I love you." Victor said, entangled within Yuuri's arms, his back pressed to his chest.

"I love you too." Victor hummed softly until he feel asleep, snoring delicately.

Book of Victuuri (Yuri On Ice)Where stories live. Discover now