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ITS FINALLY HERE!!! Ahhh! Boy are you in for a surprise. Are you guys ready for this? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not. Viktor is technically top in this one, but it's more of a 'topping from the bottom' type of thing. Bc he doesn't want to hurt his little piggy~~~ I hope you guys still read it.

Yuuri's POV

"Viktor?" My voice was shaking. To tell the truth, I'm afraid.

You don't even know if you're going to have sex, get a hold of yourself! 

"Shhh." He shushed me, flashing a lopsided smile. "I'll take care of you tonight." My body is on fire. I have goosebumps and can feel my heart rate rise. Colour rushes to my cheeks. Well that cleared things up.

We got up and walked out into the isle. Viktor linked his hand with mine and continued to walk. My heart warmed at the sight of our hands intertwined. We walk proudly out into the lobby, our hands swinging gently.

"Honey, don't look." I heard a mother say to her child.  She scoffed and bent down to steer the child around, glaring at us in the process. This infuriates me. I don't know what is wrong with me, but my face is flushed red with anger. I shoot a glance at Viktor and he looks like he wants to cry. My blood is boiling. I shoot daggers at the lady and and her kid and wait for her to see me.

She turns around and gasps, shooting me and Viktor angrier looks. I grip his hand harder and display my affection for him right in front of this witch. I turn around towards Victor and glance back, making sure she's still watching.

I grab Victor hard by the back of the neck, slamming our lips together. I make a mental note to apologize later. I hear the insults the lady is saying to her husband from where we are standing. I pull away from the rough kiss and turn back to the girl.

"Hope you enjoyed the show!" I look smugly in their direction and smirk. I spun around and pulled Viktor out the door, speedwalking both of us around the block. It always helps to walk off my anger and right now I have a lot of it.

"Y-yuuri..." The small voice that came from Viktor didn't sound like his own. It sounded scared, disoriented, like a child who had just seen a monster.

All the steam drains from me. I turn around and Viktor looks on the edge of tears. I panic and put my arms around his waist, hugging tightly, because I'm too short.

"I-i'm so sorry vik-"

"Thank you so much! Nobody has ever done something like that for me." Viktor somehow manages to not cry, I don't know how though. He wraps his arms tight around me, oh, how warm it is.

"No need to thank me, I only did what I wanted to do." I say quietly, whispering into his chest.

"I'm sorry." He chuckles, "I get emotional when I wake up."

"Yeah, I kinda noticed." I laugh, and we soon end up walking down the silent, empty street once more. I stop and just for a moment, look up at Viktor and think to myself.

How lucky am I? I am so overcome with happiness that I stand on my tippy toes and kiss Viktor gently. He welcomes it and wraps his arms around me, reveling in the warmth.

"Sh, shh, I know. I'm impatient too, but, let's leave this for when we get home." He whispers the last part, smirking. I am already excited, this just riles me up even more.

"I hope you will show me your true eros." I snap. I giggle and start charging in the direction of the house. We are both eager already, why not hurry up and get to the fun? He chases after me, both of us hollering and laughing as we stumble down the street, drunk with love and affection.

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