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"I am NOT smoking weed with you Chris!" Yuuri threw his hands up in the air.

"Why not!!!" Chris whined, following Yuuri. "We can try it together!"

Yuuri stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. He grabbed Chris by the wrists and looked him in the eyes.

"Chris" He said slowly, articulating each syllable. "I will not smoke weed with you, end of discussion." 


"No buts! I won't"


"What's going on?" Viktor said as he walked up.

"Chris here wants me to try weed with him! And I told him no, but he won't listen!" Yuuri made a frustrated noise as he hugged Viktor. Viktor pulled away and walked up to Chris.

"Yuuri said he didn't want to smoke weed with you." Viktor repeated.

"I know he doesn't." Chris's voice was full of sadness and sorrow.

"But I will." Both Chris and Yuuri's head shot up.


"I said I would!"

Chris danced around in place, excited to finally try weed. 

Meanwhile, Yuuri placed his head in his hands and prayed to every god he knew.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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