Breaking Barriers

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Part 2 to the previous chapter, there's prob going to be another add on to this and it'll most likely be smut so.

Yuuri's POV

I can't take this waiting anymore! I'm so bored! I think to myself, bored out of my mind. The only thing I'm thinking about is tonight. I glance at the clock. Damn, only 6:30. Only an hour and a half to go.

I groan as I flop down onto my unkept bed. I grab a book from my nightstand and try to read. My mind keeps wondering to Victor. Geez, he's so cute and sexy and adorable and just mmm.

I look at the clock again. 6:34.

Fuck it. I got up and went to open the door. I opened it and Victor was standing in the doorway, his fist raised as if he was about to knock.

"Hurry up, we're going now."My heart swells. Wow, he's just as impatient as me!

"Ok!" I respond, almost jumping out of my clothes. We headed outside and walked down the sidewalk.

His hand brushed mine as we walked down the sidewalk, side by side. I blushed and looked down, and apparently he noticed because he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. I look up in surprise and find him looking away, a cute blush dusting his cheeks. He looks so cute!

We walked down the sidewalk on our way to the movies, hands intertwined and bright blushes adorning our faces. This is kind of awkward.

"I- uh, what movie will we watch?" Victor asked, looking his in the eye.

"Well, since it's only 7, we can watch a whole bunch of them!" I bounced slightly, my eyes brightening up. Victor considered the offer and accepted it.

"Well, which ones?" Victor seemed confused, since he isn't fluent in Japanese, I understand.

"I don't know, we can choose when we get there!" I swung our hands back and forth as we kept a steady walking rhythm. Victor looked over at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Race you to there?" Victor asked cutely.

"You're on!" I say as we run forward, hands still connected. Whenever one of us got ahead of one another, the other would yank their hand so we could keep.

This is the 5th movie tonight. I think to myself. Victor's arm we comfortably draped over my shoulders while his head sat on my shoulder. I could hear his soft snores in my ear. 

"Victor." I shook him slightly and  whispered.

"Victor, are you awake?" I shook a bit harder.

"What?" Victor's voice sounded groggy.

"Wake up the movie is over."  I say quietly. He raises his head and looks over at me, cutely and confused. I was hit by a wall when I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine, softly. They started there until they retreated, almost ashamed.

"I'm sorry." Victor said softly, still disoriented from being asleep.

"It's alright." I say as I close the gap again, pressing my lips to his pale ones. It was sweet and innocent, not hot and rough. It was enough though. His lips are so soft. His hair is so soft. He is just so soft, so sweet.

"Let's go home." He looked at me in the eye with a mischief and lust.

My heart leaped out of my chest for the millionth time that night. My mind turned to something that wasn't so innocent. SEX.

But one little thing kept holding my back slightly, 

I'm a virgin.

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