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I'm a sucker for Dragon Ball Z and I imagine so is Victor and Yuuri. This is basically them just screaming about anime tbh.

  "You see when you take life, you live deep in fear that your life will be taking away as well, we all need to read what we do there's question about it. Because when you harm others, you only just harming yourself" Victor said as he bounced on his bed, rewatching Dragon Ball Z for the 74803257284th time ever, quoting more than half of the series.

"Yo, Victor, you home?" He heard Yuuri's young voice from outside of his room. 

"Yeah, one sec!" Victor paused the TV and turned it down. He opened the door and came face first with Yuuri. Since when has he gotten taller? He asked himself.

"Watcha doin?" Yuuri asked cutely, raising up on his tippy toes, trying to see over the other man.

"Watching Dragon Ball Z." Victor said casually, a little too casually. Victor jumped three feet in the air when Yuuri screamed.


"YES, WHY ARE WE SCREAMING!?" Victor matched his excitement, even though he had no clue what was going on.

"I fucking love Dragon Ball Z." Yuuri brought his voice down, but it still contained copious amounts of joyousness. 

"Wanna watch it with me?" Victor offered, not knowing what events would come after this.

"Hell yeah." Was all Yuuri said.

Five hours later, they had already been through 78 episodes and had 15 pillow fights, and neither of them were even remotely tired.

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