Chapter 1

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Robyn's POV:

I was doing what I always did at seven in the morning: go out on the beach and watch the waves roll in.

Ha, what a bloody joke that is. What eighteen-year-old in their right mind sits outside at seven in the morning? I don't know any.

No, today, I was thinking. Thinking of what? A lot of things.

My mum... we've been fighting a lot lately... my dad... I haven't spoken to him in two years... my half-sliblings... I've never met them... Dax... he hasn't left me alone since our split last month... and, somewhere, Louis came into my thoughts.

I missed Louis so much... I haven't seen him in two years, since he went on the X Factor. Sure, we've talked on the phone and I've seen him on the Internet and on TV, but it's not the same as talking to him in person. There's so much to catch up on... but he's so famous now... I can dream, can't I?

I watched as the waves rolled against the beach, sitting on the towel I set up awhile ago. I didn't know what time it was when I got out here, but the sun was rising, casting its divine rays on the water. It was really breathtaking out here. I guess living here for two years dulled my sense of how beautiful it was.

I picked up my phone, going through messages and missed calls. Six texts, four missed calls, and two voice messages... all from Dax.

When will he realize it's over between us? When will he get it through his thick head that when he cheated on me with that tacky chick that it was over? Some people can be so stupid...

As I was checking my messages, my phone vibrated, and showing an incoming call. From my dad.

What the hell? Why was this so sudden? We haven't even spoken in two years...

With slightly shaking hands, I clicked accept and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Uh... hi dad..." I spoke into the reciever a bit nervously.

"Bennie!" He greeted, making me cringe a bit. No one but my friends called me Bennie or Ben. "It's nice to hear your voice finally! How long has it been...?"

"T-two years, dad," I said, my voice shaking a bit.

"Really? Two years? That's crazy! No phonecalls, nothing? Really, Bennie?" My dad questioned.

"Eh... sorry dad... been busy..." I responded shakily.

"Well, I know I miss your eighteenth birthday- and I'm sorry about that- so Sarah and I figured-"

"Whoa, wait," I cut him short, "Who's Sarah?"

"Er... Bennie... she's been my wife for about a year and a half..."

I felt myself blush a bit. "Oh, right... sorry. You were saying?"

"So, anyway... Sarah and I figured that, since you're eighteen now, if maybe... you'd like to come back to Doncaster for a short time. For a month, at the least, Bennie. Sarah's never meet you, and you haven't met the girls and Jack..."

I cocked my head. "Er... girls? Jack?"

My dad sighed. "Bennie... you're making this tough for me... Jack, Tori, Izzy, and Anna? Sarah's kids? I've surely mentioned them..."

I shook myself. "Er... yeah. About that..."

"Please, Bennie?" My dad pleaded with me. "I miss you... and Sarah and the kids want to meet you... not to mention, there's a bit of surprise if you come..."

I sighed, rolling my eyes a bit. "Define surprise, dad."

"You'll have to come and see... I promise you'll enjoy it, though," My dad promised.

I sighed, hanging my head. "I'll have to ask mum..."

"Done," My dad said quickly, "All ready cleared it with her. Only needed your okay. So... is that a yes?" My dad asked hopefully.

I sighed, smiling, though, as I did. "It's a yes, dad."

"Great! So, I think your mum bought a plane ticket for next weekend. Will you be ready then?"

I nodded. "Yep, I will. Can't wait, dad..."

"Can't wait either, Bennie. Love you."

"L-love you too, dad. Bye," I sighed, hanging up the phone. I blew on my bangs, hanging my head.

What a great summer I have ahead of me...

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