Chapter 7

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A/N: First off, thank you for all the lovely comments and for becoming a fan of me! :) Even when I have writer's block, it seems like you all help me through by reading the comments! So, thank you! ^-^

Second, shameless self-promotion, but I thought of another story (One Direction, naturally) and I just made it. It's called 'Moments of Impact'. So, do me a favor and tell me what you think? I've linked it at the side, so feel free to read! Thank you in advance!

Third, for this chapter, I had to go a bit blindly with what the boys' house looks like. I really only know that it's in London, that Harry and Louis share, and how Harry described it in the Swedish interview, as 'like the Teletubbies all live in their little huts, but they have their own little gathering. That's what ours is like.' Oh, Harry. <3 But, anyway, I was a bit blind when I talk about it, so, don't get mad at me if I'm totally off! I'm from the US, so I don't know what it looks like! I apologize!

And finally, the video at the side is arguably one of the cutest things I think I've ever seen! ^-^ The boys tweeted about it, and it's so cute! I highly recommend it!

Thank you, and enjoy! ^-^

-Robyn xx


Robyn's POV:

"Took you damn long enough," I muttered to Louis, as I followed Harry out of the car. He glared at me, before sticking his tongue out at me.

Oh, and he's supposed to be older than me. Bull.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Liam, who happened to be closest to me. "I only know about where you stay from your interview I saw online with that Swedish woman."

He smiled a bit. "That's all we really give out. Obviously, we're in London. We each have our own little apartments, except for Harry and Louis, who share. But, it's like a little complex with common areas and such."

"Like Harry put it in that interview, the Teletubbies," Niall said, stepping besides me and smirking at Harry. I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Drop it, will you?" I heard Harry call from behind.

"Never going to," Niall replied, winking at me.

I loved these boys so much all ready.


"All right, lads," Louis turned to us when we had gotten into the room, "And lady," He added, motioning to me. I nodded in response. "I know you all love Ben here, but seeing as she's known me longest, she should probably stay with Harry and me. No offense to anyone, but I think she'd rather be with her friend since we were young than someone she's just met today."

Niall, Zayn, and Liam all joked around a bit. "Damn it, Louis! Stole her away from us!" Niall smiled, winking in my direction.

Niall was definitely one of my favorites.

"Guys, guys, calm down... I can be shared." I smirked, laughing at Louis.

"Well, for now at least, while Ben gets to know you lot, I think she should stay with Harry and me..."

"Just gives Harry an excuse to be with her," I heard Niall whisper to Liam, who nodded, and smiled at me.

Maybe I liked all of them, honestly. Cheeky little bastards.

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