Chapter 8:

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A/N: Okay, so this is a relatively short chapter. It's only so you can see how Harry is feeling about Ben at this point of the story. It's transitory, because the next one is my favorite. :) Nonetheless, enjoy.

-Robyn xx


Robyn's POV:

I skipped dinner. Sure, I was starving, but I don't think I could handle being in the same room as Louis and Harry at this point. It would be a bit awkward with Harry, and I'd be a bit short with Louis at this point.

I sat in the sitting room of Harry and Louis's apartment, also known as my room, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Harry... he had almost kissed me... no. Bad Ben. You just got out of relationship. So did he. No way is he looking for love right now. Neither should you.

But ith those questions... it seemed like he had been almost wanting me to answer for him... those were no innocent questions.

Soulmates... love at first sight... true happiness... fate... what was bugging him so much that he needed to know?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I had lost track of time. It was dark out by the time I started paying attention again. And the boys weren't back.

I had half a mind to find the two of them to see what was taking them so damn long, when the door opened.

Now, the mature thing to do would have been to talk to both of them about my feelings, and tell them how I felt about the situation. Harry about our almost kiss and Louis for interrupting Harry and my almost kiss.

But who said I was mature in either aspects?

Instead, I pulled myself onto the my side away from the door, so my back was to the boys, and it looked like I as asleep.

Again, whoever said I was mature?

"That took longer than I thought... Ben left a nice mess for us..." I heard Louis say to Harry, before the door closed.

"Least we could do was to clean it up and not leave it to the lady to do, mate." Harry responded.

Aw... how sweet.

"Hm... she's asleep..." I felt Louis peering over me, inspecting me.

"She's cute when she sleeps, you know."

My stomach lurched a bit. Harry throught I was cute?

"Mate, hitting on my best friend is not what I call all right." I heard Louis scold him.

Oi, Louis, let me enjoy my life a little, won't you?

"Sorry, mate. She hurt herself... and like I said, she's awful cute..."

My stomach lurched again.

"Well, did you kiss her at least?" Louis asked.

"No... because someone interrupted us."

Yeah, thanks for nothing, Lou.

"Hey, you were in there for long enough. What happened anyway?"

"Well... she was so focused... I dunno, moment of weakness, I guess. I asked her some questions... and then she cut herself. So, I helped her, and I dunno... we just had a moment, is all."

"That's it? Mate... I think you're falling for her."

My heart jumped a bit. No... Harry falling for me?

"I dunno, mate... we've both just finished a relationship... would it be wise to start one again so soon?" Harry asked.

"You've heard her talk about that other bloke... she didn't seem happy with him. Maybe she'd be happy with you, Haz."

Louis's right about one thing...

I heard Harry sigh. "I dunno... maybe she would... but what if she wasn't?"

Louis sighed in response. "Don't sell yourself short, Haz. But... we'll talk to her in the morning. No use to wake her up now."

I heard some scuffling, before the light turned off. Someone draped a blanket over me, before whispering, "Eavesdrop much?"

I didn't respond to Louis's question, playing it like I was still sleeping. Louis laughed in my ear, before ruffling my hair a bit. "Good night, Ben."

And the door closed behind him.

I sat up, rubbing my forehead. I was sure of a few things now:

One: Louis could see straight through whatever act I put on.

Two: Louis and Harry had no secrets.

And three: Harry possibly liked me.

Did I mention I possibly liked him back?

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