Chapter 9

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A/N: Okay, this is my favorite chapter yet! A bit of Ben/Harry, the boys being the boys they are, fans, the boys being as sweet as they are, and a London tour! ^-^ And thank you for the lovely feedback! Enjoy!

-Robyn xx


Robyn's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a massive headache. Maybe that's what I get for thinking so much last night.

I sat up from the couch, rubbing my head and neck. My neck was killing me too. This would be a long day; I all ready knew.

I looked over and saw Harry fixing his hair in the mirror. "Vain much?"

He turned, smirking at me. "Making sure I look good for you, is all," He winked, making my stomach jump. I pushed the feeling back, though. No, bad Ben. No feelings for Harry.

"Good thing you woke up now. Lou had this whole thing to do if you didn't get up before nine."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Of course he did. And why before nine? I'm normally not up before ten..."

He smiled at me. "He wanted you up. We're going into the city today."

I groaned. Of course Louis wanted me going around London with him. "But what about you lot? You're bloody famous and all."

He shrugged. "That's the fun of it, isn't it? Not knowing if we'll run into fans, right?"

I sighed, standing up. "Fine. Give me twenty minutes."


As promised, twenty minutes later, I was fixing my hair in the Louis and Harry's bathroom. I just pulled on jeans, a one-shoulder shirt, a belted jacket, and Toms (thank Louis for my obsession with those shoes). I was braiding my bangs, and I tied it back so I had a simple braid on the side. With a minimal amount of makeup (foundation, blush, eye liner, and mascara), I was ready.

"Took you bloody long enough," Louis commented when I came from the bathroom and he was fixing his striped shirt. Classic Lou.

"Gotta look good, don't I? Seeing as I'm with five of the most good-looking boys on the planet, right?" I winked, smiling at him.

"Cheeky... but damn right. You and Harry have that in common."

I waved my hand at him. "Whatever. Bathroom's yours now."

He nodded, slipping past me and going into it. I went back in the sitting room, and busied myself with a magazine on the table.

"You look lovely, Ben," I heard Harry say.

"Thanks, Haz, you do-"

I stopped, because I breathed in sharply seeing Harry. And I thought he looked good with a blazer on...

He was weating a Ramones t-shirt, jeans, and trainers. He almost looked... better like this. More natural. Not like he as trying to look good, but he still did.

"What?" He asked, making me get out of my little fantasy.

"Nothing," I said, my eyes drifting from him to the magazine again.

"Yeah, right, I'll believe that. What?" He repeated.

"Nothing," I answered again.

I didn't look up at him, until he lifted my chin to look into his eyes. "Tell me, Ben."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 15, 2012 ⏰

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