Chapter 2

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A/N: Happy belated birthday to the one and only Harry Styles! Here's to the hope of many more! ^-^


Robyn's POV:

The week passed to quickly. Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad and I wanted to meet his new family, and not to mention I really wanted to get away from my mum for awhile, but... I'd miss it here. Waking up to the beach every morning... going surfing everyday... watching the sunset...

Living here for two years has really numbed my feelings for how beautiful it is.

I was sitting at my desk the day I was leaving, watching the sunrise for awhile. I was lightly dozing, not wanting to move.

"Robyn! Get down here now!"

Oh, great. Someone poked the bear.

It's not that I hate my mum. It's not that at all. I love her, I really do. But, lately... it hasn't been working out. She liked Dax a lot. I didn't. Well, I did, naturally. But, after he cheated on me with a slut, of course I was pissed. But, my mum acts like it was nothing! It was the 'he's a teenager, so give him another chance.' But, no, I was sick of him. So, I dumped his ass later. No way in hell would I stay with someone unfaithful.

Not to mention, she didn't like Louis. No me gusta. Je n'aime pas. I didn't like that one bit.

So, naturally, we butted heads a bit.

And by a bit, I mean a lot.


"Alright, alright..." I sighed, pulling my tired self up from my desk. "Don't throw a bloody fit..."

I pulled my duffle bag from under my bed. I kind of hid it hoping this whole ordeal would go away. No need to fight it now.

I took my duffle bag downstairs, followed by a suitcase, and finally my purse and backpack.

My mum was stading by the door while I loaded up the car. "Is that everything? Aren't you bringing anything else?"

I shook my head. "Those are all my things. Including clothes: summer clothes, and all of the jeans and longsleeves I bought last weekend."

My mum pursed her lips. She had a bad habit of doing that. "Fine. I hope you better not make your dear father do laundry."

I sighed, closing the back of my mum's Jeep. "No, no... I can do my own laundry, in case you didn't know."

She pursed her lips again. "Don't talk to me in that tone, Robyn Imogene." She said warningly.

I sighed, again. "Sorry mum..."

"Whatever, just get in the bloody car. The sooner I get you off with your father, the better."

I glared at the back of her blonde head. Okay, maybe I loved her deep down.


It was a forty-five minute drive to the airport. More like forty-five minutes of living hell, a.k.a. my mother.

She comments on everything. And I mean everything. Never in a good way.

The weather: "God, it's so bloody hot out!"

Me: "Robyn, why do you dress that way? Can't you dress nicer?"

The traffic: "It's so consumed here..."

Me: "Robyn, why can't you be more like my friend Delaney's daughter, Gianna?"

Music: "This music sounds awful. Change the channel."

Me: "Robyn, why aren't your grades any better?"

People: "People are so damn stupid nowadays."

Me: "Robyn, why don't you listen when I talk to you?"

Dad: "God, I can't wait to hear about the whore your dad found now."

And did I mention me? "Robyn, why'd you break up with Dax? He was a lovely boy..."

I swear, I was going to rip the blonde hairs off her head. One. By. One. I was close to killing her. No joke.

I literally jumped out of the car when we got to the airport. I grabbed my things and stood in front of my mum. She had a hand on her hips, her lips still pursed. She has got to stop doing that. "Well... see you when you get back, Robyn." She gave an awkward hug, before getting back in the car, speeding off. She cut someone off, and when they honked at her, she gave them the finger. Lovely woman. Actually, what a bitch.

I sighed, looking at the doors to the airport. "Well, here goes nothing..."

I stepped through the doors, the rest of my summer waiting for me.


Eleven hours later, I was standing in Machester Airport, waiting for my dad to come.

I was dead tired. I had an enormous amount of jetlag. The eight hour differnce was killing me. It was eight in the morning here, meaning that it was midnight back home. I just wanted to crash in bed.

I was slowly started to doze off, when the honking of a horn woke me up.

"Hey, Ben! Bennie, over here!"

I looked over, to see my dad climbing out of a freaking Mini Cooper. My dream car.

I stared wide-eyed for a minute, before being tackle-hugged by my dad. "Bennie! Look at you! You look... so grown up! Two years has changed you!"

I smiled. Excited as he always is, dad. "Yeah, it has... not to mention the California sun."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah, I would suppose that would help... oi! Jackie! Come help Ben with her bags!"

"Give me a second!" A dark-haired boy, looking a bit younger than I was, rose from the driver's seat, grinning at me. "Hey, Robyn. Name's Jack. Nice to finally meet you. Your dad goes on about you."

I smiled. "Same. I can't wait to meet your mum and your sisters."

He grinned again, before taking my bags and sticking them in the back. "Sorry if we took so long. Jackie needs to work to get his lisence. He needs some more hours."

I shrugged in response to my dad. "No big deal. I slept a bit. Jet lag's bloody killing me."

My dad waved his hand. "You can sleep on the way home. We have about an hour back. Get on in."

I nodded, obliging. Jack sat in the driver's seat, turning on the car. I curled up in the backseat, ready for a nice long nap.

It seemed like ten minutes later, but in an hour, Jack shook me awake. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty's finally awake," He smirked. I liked this kid. "Come on, dad's already inside." He offered his hand, and I took it, standing up.

Once outside, I saw the familiar, two-story house I had grown up in as a child. Except for a new garden and a tree growing on the premise, it looked like the same place I remembered and loved.

Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all.

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