Chapter 3

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So, this will be a relatively short chapter. I'll just introduce the new family, before a bit of a cliff hanger. I promise, though, the next chapter will be a lot longer! ^-^ Enjoy!

~Robyn xx


Robyn's POV:

Jack lead me inside. And no matter how familiar it looked on the outside, it was nothing like I remembered on the inside.

Dad's new wife really fixed up the place.

My mum was all about modernizing: it was contemporary in the house I remembered. But, here, it was old-fashioned. It actually felt like a home, not an art gallery.

The foyer only had a simple statue in the center, with lights hanging around the sides. The staircase had been redone, making it a nice mahoghany color, instead of the black I remembered. The room had been painted, too, being cream instead of white, with paintings hanging on the walls.

I didn't know this woman yet, but I liked her style.

"Oi! Mum! Tori! Anna! Izzy! Robyn's here!"

Three girls barreled down the stairs, all pushing each other to get to the bottom. They eventually tripped over each other, before falling on each other down the stairs. None of them seemed hurt, for they laughed at each other, before untangling themselves from one another.

"Girls! Be careful! Tori broke her arm last time she did that!"

A tall, slender, dark-haired woman came down the stairs. I looked from Jack to her, seeing the resemblence. So this was Sarah.

"Sarah," My dad came from the next room, and put an arm around the woman's waist. "This is my daughter, Robyn. Robyn, this is Sarah, my wife."

She smiled at me, before I smiled back. "Hi, Robyn. Your dad's told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you."

She skipped the handshake and went directly for a hug. And this was not my mother's type of hug.

Oh, and this was the woman my mum called a whore? More like the other way around.

"Likewise," I grinned. She pulled away from me, and put her hands on one of the girls' shoulders.

"And, Robyn, these are my daughters, Tori," She indicated to the oldest, with black ringlets for hair, "Izzy," She gestured to what seemed to be the middle daughter, with straight, long black hair, "And finally, Anna," She motioned to the youngest, who had long, dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. "Tori's the oldest, at fourteen, Izzy's next, being twelve, and Anna's the youngest, only ten."

"And Jackie, over here," She hugged Jack, who was a bit taller than her, "is sixteen. He was the man of the house before I married your father."

And how lucky my dad was to have found her.

"Nice to meet you, all of you." I grinned at six of them, "but I'm extremel exhausted. The jetlag's getting to me. Where's my room?"

"Upstairs, two doors to the left. Can't miss it," My dad grinned.

"Thanks, dad... see you when I finally get up." I smiled, hugging my dad, before darting up the stairs.


Sarah had done my room rather nicely. It had a simple bed with a metal frame, cream walls, a mahoghany desk, a rolling chair, bookshelf, dresser, closet, and a window seat overlooking the large backyard. And, I had my own bathroom! How nice this was.

I plopped onto my own bed, closing my eyes for a second, wanting to drift off to sleep...

That was before I heard a scuffle from the closet.

I sat up immediately, hearing muffled voices, and a thump on the door.

What the hell?

I stood up rather cautiously, walking towards the door.

Now, looking back, running off and getting my dad or Jack would have probably been smarter. But, where's the point in getting the men to do the work, when you can get it done yourself.

I quickly opened the door, and a boy flew out the door, landing in a heap on the floor. Some snickering followed, but I ignored it, seeing as I had fallen over in shock.

Eyes wide, I saw the boy stand up and brush himself off. He shook his head, making his floppy brown hair fly around a bit.

He straightened up, smirking at me. "Bennie, is that how you're going to treat me after all this time? Thought I would get some respect..."

My breath caught in my throat. My eyes widened still. My heart stopped. My stomach clenched. That voice. It's so familiar.

And for good reason.

Louis fucking Tomlinson just fell out of my closet.

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