Chapter 5

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I decided to update early because someone had asked, and because I thought it would be a good idea to introduce Louis's POV into the story! :D Enjoy!


Louis's POV:

Besides her abuse, I was thrilled to see Ben again. I missed her so much. We have too much to catch up on!

The other boys seemed to like her. Niall and her seem like twins from the way they laugh so much, Zayn seems like her, and Liam seems to as well. Then, that just leaves... Harry.

He's being a grump. I swear, Ben looked in the mirror more than once because he barely adknowledged  her. That's totally out of character for him. Normally, he'd be his flirty self, winking and flashing his winning smile at her. Ever since he broke up with Caroline... things haven't been the same.

Ben seems to be taking her breakup better than Haz has. Then again, this guy cheated on her... so it must be nice to get rid of him.

Poor Hazza... if only he could handle a breakup the way Ben is...

And as Ben was going about her room, putting her things together and as Harry was going through his phone, it hit me:

Why don't I try to put Ben and Harry together?

I watched Harry look up from his phone to Ben, before he looked back down; then, she would look up from her bag, as he looked back to his phone. She would sigh, before finishing her packing, just missing eye contact with each other.

Oh, this is so going to happen. And I'll need the other boys' help to make it happen.


Robyn's POV:

What was wrong with me? I've heard Harry was willing to flirt with anyone... why not me? What did I do? I get that he broke up with his girlfriend, but I just dumped Dax, and I'm not feeling held back. Why should he?

I was going through my things, packing for a few days. I had a feeling that my family would be fine with it, and I'd be back in a few days. Nothing too serious. Plus, I doubt that Tori, Izzy, and Anna would be able to handle One Direction staying in their house.

"All right," I said, putting my bag on the bed. "I'm good. We'll just clear it with my parents now... and beware of the girls. They may die if you get too close," I smirked at the five of them.

"Oh, ha, you're so funny Ben," Louis rolled his eyes at me.

I winked in return, before grabbing my bag. "Okay, let's go."


Seeing Tori, Izzy, and Anna's faces after they saw the boys was priceless.

I came downstairs, talking with Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam, while Harry was still in his mood. Tori, Izzy, and Anna were listening to music (One Direction, incidentally), and when they looked up at me, they did  a double take.

"Oh my... oh my gosh..."Tori started.

"What are they... why are they..." Izzy looked like she coldn't breathe.

"It's One Direction!" Anna finished, jumping to her feet.

I smirked at the five of them, "Told you," and I left them to be with the girls while I went to find my dad and stepmum.

They were in the sitting room, reading the newspaper. "Er... dad? Sarah?"

Sarah looked up first and smiled. "Hi, Robyn. I hear the girls going mkids," She shook her head, smiling. "What is it?"

"The boys invited me to stay at their apartments in London for a few days to, y'know, catch up with Louis. I'll be back in awhile, though, only a few days." I explained, praying for a good answer.

My dad looked up, smiling. "Of course, Ben. I think it's a brilliant idea, actually. Just... stay safe, all right?"

I nodded enthusiastically, hugging both of them. "Thank you!" I called, before running back to the foyer.

And then I died of laughter.

Tori, Izzy, and Anna were all over the boys, except for Harry, who had wisely stayed back.They didn't seemed overwhelmed, though; they were laughing and taking pictures with the girls while signing things for them. The girls were going mad.

Harry was finally smiling, and his eyes met mine.

I took a sharp intake of breath when his eyes met mine. I'm not even sure I could tell you what color his were, even if I tried really hard. All I knew was that they were gorgeous.

As the girls obsessed over Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn still, Harry made his way over to me. "Hi," He greeted, smiling and revealing dimples. Oh my God... how much cuter could he get? "Sorry about earlier... relationship problems.... I'm Harry. It's nice to finally meet you."

I smiled at him. "Robyn, and we have that in common. Mine doesn't leave me alone." I sighed a bit.

"Caroline doesn't call me much... I guess I can be thankful for that," He then looked to the other boys, a light smirk playing on his lips. "Should we... y'know... help them?"

I laughed a bit, sighing. "Yeah... I guess we should. Oi! Girls!"

The three girls looked up at me. "What, Ben?" Tori asked me.

"Your mum wanted you lot..."

"Oh," Anna said, straightening up. "Mum! Mum? What is it?"

And the three girls disappeared through the sitting room. I grinned, turning to the boys. "Now, be thankful Harry and I took pity on you and saved you. Now let's go before they come back!"

They didn't need to be told twice. Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn disappeared through the door, while Harry laughed, before taking my bag. "Ladies first?"

I winked at him, going out the door.

The four others were already in the car. They were honking impatiently for us to hurry. Harry through my things in the car, while I climbed into the car. He followed, and Louis drove away without another word.

"Okay... it's about three hours to our apartments... may want to get some sleep..." Liam sighed, sitting in the front with Louis.

"No need to tell me twice," I commented, "I still have jetlag from earlier..."

I leaned against  the closest to me, which happened to be Harry. I looked up at him, smiling slightly. "Do you mind?"

He shook his head, his arm going around my shoulders. "None."

I rested my head against his shoulder, before drifting off to sleep in a snap.

I didn't know these boys for long, but I have a feeling we'll get along very well.

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