Chapter 4

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Robyn's POV:

After recovering from what seemed to be a heart attack, my mind started reeling.

Okay... Louis Tomlinson, my childhood best friend, just fell out of my closet, when he's supposed be on some tour...

So, I naturally the ladylike thing.

I hit him. Hard.

Like you would do anything different.

"Oi! Bennie! That bloody hurt!" Louis protested, rubbing his arm where I had punched him.

I raised my fist again, and he flinched. "Two for flinching," I growled, dropping my fist. I smacked his arm next. "What the hell, Lou? I thought you were a bloody murderer, or something! Don't scare me like that!" I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

He pouted, making me roll my eyes. "Sorry, Ben..."

"Whatever," I snapped, "And how did you even get in here? And why are you here in the first place?"

Louis lost the pout, smiling. "Oh! Your mum let us in!"

"Stepmum, not mum, Lou. My mum's in California." I froze for a second. "And what do you mean by 'we'?"

"Oh, right!" Louis said quickly, like he had forgotten that he wasn't the only one that came. Classic Louis. "Oi! Lads! She knows now!"

And slowly, the four other boys of One Direction came from my closet.

I think I had another heart attack. Two in one day.

"Oh my God... holy..."

"Hey, Bennie, breathe, will you? Don't want you passing out..." Louis warned, coming to my side.

I pushed him off irritably. "Don't think I bloody forgive you yet, git," I muttered, looking up at the four boys in front of me.

"Oh, fine..." Louis sighed. "As impossible as ever, Ben. Anyway... I s'pose introductions are in order... lads, this is Bennie, my best friend from when I was growing up," Louis grinned, putting an arm around his shoulder.

I sighed, and glared at him a bit, before I let it slide. True, he was introducing me to his bandmates as 'his best friend,' and not to mention, they were just a bit attractive. Fine. I guess Louis gets off this once.

"Ben, this is Zayn," Louis motioned to the dark-haired one, who grinned at me. I smiled back.

"Liam," He gestured to the light, curly-haired one, who waved.

"Niall," He motioned to the blonde one, who winked at me.

"And, fnally, Harry," Louis motioned to the curly-haired one.

But, Harry didn't give me a sign of recognition. He didn't even look up from the ground. I looked in the mirror across from me, smoothing my hair and clothes. Why didn't he look at me? All the others did. Do I look that horrid?

"Oi, grumpy," Niall elbowed Harry's arm, "Louis introduced you to his little friend," Niall winked at me, making me smile lightly in response.

"Hi," He said in monotone, his eyes not leaving the carpet.

"Just broke up with his girlfriend, and she was out partying a few nights ago. He's a bit down." Louis whispered in my ear. I nodded in response.

Relationship problems? Harry and I had that bit in common.

"Way to be friendly, Harry," Zayn rolled his eyes.

Harry shot a glare at him, before giving me a weak smile. Then, his eyes floated back to the carpet, not saying anything.

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