I Need Him

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A/N: @Agatass_011 you are currently my motivation <3

I instantly curled up on the bed, crying my eyes out. "Y/N?" "S-Shura.." "What happened?!" "I can't really tell you.." "Was it Mephisto..?" Her eyes hardened. "Why are you so weary of Mephisto?" She sighed heavily at my question.

"He's known for playing games with people. Him and his brother love seeing people's reactions. Besides..I'm sorry to tell you but, it's said that demons can't feel love." I whimpered. "N-No h-he loves me!" "Now you just sound like Harley Quinn" I came to a decision.

"A life without risk isn't worth living at all. It must be pretty boring. Thanks for the talk, thinking aloud helped me realize what I want." My own eyes blazed with a fire I haven't felt often. Determination. "I'm going to do anything to have what I want." "You're welco-" I had already teleported off.

As I reappeared at Mephisto's I winced in pain. "Mephy..I made a decision. I want you." "Darling..?" He looked up and smiled a little, delicately hugging me. "That's wonderful! Thank you. I need to control myself my lady.." "No. You're what I want. Besides, you don't have to hide yourself from me. You shouldn't ever feel like you have to.."

My eyes got dark. I don't mean metaphorically or any of that crap, they turned dark. "I will do anything for you." I could feel his breathing get harder at that. "I don't want to hurt you like that again, Y/N." "I'll get used to it..whenever you want to just tell me." I kissed him gently and he smiled.

"So.." "Yes?" He smirked. "Have you done your homework?" "Dammit! Take me to your office omigosh! I need a textbook and I need a piece of paper for those questions.." I started droning on about small things and he chuckled.

"What?" "This is practically meaningless..You could do anything you desire as a demon, yet you choose to prowl for what you want. Though..It makes you all the more interesting, Miss Y/N." I blushed a little.

"Well..I may be able to do a lot but I won't become part of the order by doing nothing." I smiled confidently as I took his hand and was taken to his office.

Blue Exorcist, Mephisto X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt