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I looked at Mephisto and smiled. He had his arms around me and his head was on my shoulder. He looked so cute. I played his hair for a bit before getting up.

I went to the kitchen and started breakfast. I fried some eggs and some bacon. Looking at the time I saw I only had about 20 more minutes until the test. "Fuck!" I took put two plates putting one in the microwave for Mephisto and eating the other as fast as I could. "Babe!"

I could hear his little noises as he stretched and sat up. "Yes..?" "I need to get to class!" "I have a job to do..whoops." He got dressed and I put on a dark blue, simple dress. He opened a portal to my class for me and I stepped in. He took off down the halls.

I smiled as class started. Yukio passed out our tests and I filled everything in. I know I've got this, even if it's hard to concentrate over Rin's constant snoring.

Soon I handed my tests in. The whole time I was kinda distracted about last night. At the same time however, it did help me recall questions and answers. The bell rang and he handed our tests out.

I'd aced it! 100! Yukio smiled at me. "You're a good student. What do you do to study?" "Flashcards..and..you don't wanna know what else." I giggled a little. "Uh..well thank you for trying so hard. You'll make a fine exorcist." "T-Thank you."

I left class with the biggest smile on my face. I wasn't aware of the asshole I was going to encounter in class later on. My class was right by me so upon my entrance, I was tripped!

"Sorry!" Some guy said in a very sarcastic tone. The entire class was laughing. I was so humiliated.. I looked down and went to sit, but I was pushed by that idiot's friend.

"C-Cut it out!" "Aw, she stuttered. How cute." I felt my face flare up with heat. I hated this so much..Finally the teacher walked in the damned class and taught us the history of demons. He informed us about different types up until the bell rang.

Holding my notebook tight and having my book bag slung over one shoulder was stupid, really. I should have considered this. The guy from before tripped me again. "Nice one, Drew" I heard near him.

My face fell entirely. I went through the rest of my day feeling just, depressed. Fuck people, just fuck them!! I only wanted one person right now. If anyone else does anything or comes by me I think I might just either die, or kill. Right after my last class I ran to Mephisto's office.

Blue Exorcist, Mephisto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now