Chapter 1

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July 3 Monday


I ran through people's yards and jumped over the gate. Ran across the street through the park. Across the street again and into the alley. I got to the door and knocked the pattern. My man opened the door and I walked in out of breath.

"Yo what happened man". Trey asked

"They killed Derek and they were chasing me".

"Who killed Derek"? Michael said

"That crew".

"See I think boss needs to know what's going on man. We are losing our guys from that wannabe gang cause they doing sneak attacks". Trey said

"You know if boss finds out he's gonna kill them all". Tae said

"So that's what needs to happen plus if we say they almost killed his son he will go crazy". Trey said

I shook my head and sat on the couch I'm tired of almost getting killed. 

Trey sat beside me.

"You good nigga"?

"Yeah I'm just thinking".

"Come on lets go for a ride".

"I just got done running I'm not getting shot at again".

"Nigga you with me, trust me you won't".

I sighed and we got up and went outside and got into one of his cars and started driving.

"Man you have to be careful nowadays". Trey said

"I know but me and Derek were just walking down the streets and it's like it happened in slow motion. The black van came windows rolled down and shots were fired and he just dropped. I didnt know what to do. It was either stay and get drop or run".

"We will get them nigga trust me".

We stopped at a liquor store. I got out and so did Trey. We went in and there I saw her at the register checking out.


She turned around and smiled. "Oh my God August". She came over and gave me a hug.

"Damn you look beautiful". I looked her up and down her hair was now blondish brown instead of black. She was thick her small waist and big ass.

"August you look nice too it's been so long".

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah it sure has".

"Last time we were together you decided you wouldn't go to college with me instead you wanted to join your dads gang". She said trying to smile but i know she didnt want to.

10 years ago

I knocked on her bedroom door scared to tell my girl this knowing she wasn't going to take it well at all. She opened the door and smiled at me.

"Hey baby". She gave me a peck on the lips and let me in.

She was all packed and ready to go to Florida.

"You sounded worried on the phone is everything okay August".

"Baby I think you should sit down".

She sat down and I sat beside her and held her hand. She looked scared her big brown eyes staring at me.

"Candace baby you know I love you right".

"Yeah of course I do August and i love you too". She smiled at me.

"Okay this is hard for me to say".

"Say it August". She rubbed my hand.

"Baby I'm not going to college".

"W-What? W-Why"?

"I'm going to be with my dad".

She snatched her hand away. "Your dad. You mean you are going to be with your dad who is the leader of a gang".

"Baby don't do this".

She stood up and looked at me with tears. "Do what August? Your telling me that you're not coming with me you're staying here".

She had tears flowing down her face by now. I stood up and held her hands.

"Baby don't cry". I said wiping her tears.

"What what about us August"?

"We can still date just long distance".

"You are giving up your future August our future to be in some gang".

"Baby I-".

She put her hand up and shook her head.

"Don't August i can't do long distance and neither can you".

"You wanna break up"?

"No you already broke us up when you decided to stay here and be in a gang".

Tears just kept coming down from her eyes. I grabbed her face softly to make her look at me. I kissed her and she kissed me back for one last time.

"I love you Candace".

She looked down and didn't say anything.

"Goodbye Candace".

I walked over to her bedroom door and turned around. She put her hands on her face and cried.


That was the last time i saw her.

I never wanted to hurt Candace ever she was my world but now that I think about it. Leaving her wasn't worth it at all.

Different Life:An August Alsina (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now