Chapter 2

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"So how are you"? I asked Candace

"I'm good I became a nurse".

"You working with children right"?

"Of course". She said smiling

"So you with someone"?

"Yes actually I'm married". She showed me her ring I swear I was heart broken.

"What about you"?

"No I couldn't find a girl that was right for me but I do have a son".

"Aww how old"?

"He's almost six".

"That's so cute I have two kids".

"Girls or boys".

"Two girls".

"So I'm guess there names are Kiera and Jayla".

She laughed. "Of course".

God I missed her. I missed everything about her.

"Uhh it was nice seeing you again August". She hugged me and she still smelled like vanilla.

"Bye August".

I turned around and watched her walk away. Then everything felt like slow motion again. The guy that killed Derek was at the door. I saw him smirk and pulled out a gun but not at me at Candace.

"Candace look out".

She looked at me then at the guy at the door. I ran over to her and knocked her over. And I blacked out.

I woke up at the hospital there was a doctor standing over me.

"W-What's going on"?

"Hello August nice to see you finally woke up".

"I'm not dead am I".

He laughed "No you are not dead August".

"What about Candace how is she is she okay"?

"She was shot twice and didn't make it".

I didn't know what to say. She had a family. Husband and two kids. She left me and as soon as she comes back in my life i got her killed. My gang life got her killed. If i never talked to her she wouldnt be dead right now.

"But you are okay". He smiled

"This is all my fault. Why did I choose this over her"?

"What if I told you I can change it for awhile".


He touched me and I blacked out again.

This time I woke up to a little girl jumping on my bed.

"Daddy daddy daddy wake up".

I jumped out of bed and looked at her crazy. I was freaking out.

"Daddy what's wrong"?

"Who are you"?

"I Jayla daddy. MOMMY". She screamed.

Candace came running in.

"What's wrong sweetie".

"Daddy don't nember me".


I ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"Um August".

"You arent not dead".

She gave out a small laugh. "Baby are you okay". She felt my forehead.


"Maybe you should lay down August".

"No I don't want to. What's going on"?

"August sit down you are going crazy. Jayla go get ready to go to your grandparents house".

The little girl jumped off the bed and ran out the room.

"Candace the last thing I remember is being in the store with Trey and seeing you for the first time in ten years cause I went to be with my dad in the gang".

"What? August you are not in your dads gang I mean he was upset you left but he was proud that you went to college and played basketball".

"What's today"?

"July 4th".



"This is so weird".

"Maybe you should skip the cookout at my parents house".

"Don't your parents hate me"?

She giggled. "That was highschool silly. My parents love you baby. Like are you sure your okay cause you are acting crazy".

"Where do I work"?

"August you play on the Chicago Bulls team".


"Yes baby".

The little girl came running in.

"Mommy Kiera crying".

"Okay. August I'll be right back". She got up and left the room

This was my chance. I got up and walked into not the closet but this big ass bathroom I swear. It had two sinks a jacuzzi and also a walk in shower. I opened a door there's the toilet big toilet space.

I left and opened every door in this bedroom until I found the walk in closet well damn it's like another bedroom my side and Candace's side I went over to my clothes and I had a great sense of style. I just took some thing and ran out the closet and ran downstairs.

"August"!! I heard Candace yelled

I took one of the keys off the hook and ran outside. Well damn five cars and a nice car for Candace. I turned around and looked at the house it was huge. I looked at the keys and went to the car and got in.

Where the hell am I.

I'm still in New York so maybe I can visit my dad or Trey maybe they can tell me what's going on. I drove out of the gated house and left.

I stopped at a red light and saw the doctor.

"Hey hey". I rolled down my window. He looked at me and pointed straight and drove so I followed him. We ended up at some place I got out and followed him.

"What the hell is going on man".

"August I'm giving you a piece of what would have happened if you didn't join your fathers gang".

"How? What? I'm lost".

"Look August you need to see how your life is. You have two little girls a wife and now your father actually loves you ".

"My dad always loved me".

"True but in your previous life he's disappointed you joined the gang. Look August this is your life fpr now but when you see me again something will happen".

"Wait something good or bad"?

"You will find out but wow look at the bird". He pointed up to the sky

I looked up and there was nothing. I looked back down and he was gone what the hell.

End of Chapter 2

Different Life:An August Alsina (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now