Chapter 8

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Different Life Chapter 8

August's POV

Me and my dad walked upstairs to the living room to see my mom playing with the girls.

"Papa". Jayla ran over and he picked her up.

"Jayla you are big".

"I know".

"Nana said we can go shopping for toys".

I looked at Jayla. "Would mommy let you do this".

"Yes pleeeease daddy".

"Okay". She got down and ran over to my mom.

"She looks just like Candace".

"I know and she has the attitude like her too".

We laughed and walked over to my mom and sat down on the couch. I grabbed Kiera cause she was reaching for me.

"August I can take the girls and you and your dad can catch up".

"Alright but you have to be back before 12 cause Candace's mom is coming over my house for lunch".

I heard my mom groaned and then she rolled her eyes.

"What? You don't like her".

"Come on girls".

She got Kiera and then grabbed Jayla's hand and they left.

"What just happened".

"Well a long time ago your mom and Brianna were very close friends".


"Yeah and Brianna came on to me and ever since that your mom doesn't like her".

"Seriously Candace's mom came on to you".

"We were young and me and Candace's mom grow up together and had a thing before your mom moved here and so one day she found us kissing".

I kinda felt sick to my stomach my dad and Candace's mom use to hook up that's just nasty.

"But that was years and years ago".

"I know but your mom is stubborn and doesn't know how to let shit go".

I walked inside the house holding Kiera.

"Daddy nana got me a dolly".

"I know you told me a million times sweetie".

I walked over to Kiera play pen and put her sleepy self in there and sat on the couch.

Jayla walked over and sat beside me.

"What's for lunch"?

"You grandma is gonna make it".

Then the door bell rang. I groaned "why don't we have a maid"?

"We do she's just on vac-break".


She nodded. And I got up and she followed me I opened the door and it was Candace's mom with McDonald's in her hand. I let her in and we walked in the kitchen.

"Candace doesn't want her eating that".

"Out his stuff isn't gonna kill her".

I shook my head I think she should at least respect Candace's decision.

"Jayla isn't eating that".

"But daddy-".

"No Jayla you know your mommy doesn't want you eating this".

"August stop being dramatic".

"Brianna I'm not gonna let you come in here and feed my kids something Candace doesn't want our kids to eat".

I grabbed the bags and threw them in the trash.

"Daddy". Jayla looked like she was gonna cry.

"Jayla go in the living room".

"I hate you". She cried and ran out the kitchen.

"Looks hat you did you made her cry".

"She will get over it but I'm not gonna let you disrespect my wife like that".

She shook her head and grabbed her purse and left.

I see why my mom don't like her she got an attitude problem.

End of Chapter 8

Different Life:An August Alsina (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now