First Class

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"Well that's all for today, time to go to your first lesson." The teacher waved goodbye as Y/N and the rest of the form left the room, he walked over to his first class which happened to be computing. Y/N made his way there, making sure to watch his step as he went. Once he arrived he notice the class lined up outside the class awaiting a teacher, he got in the line and thought to himself.

There was a tap on his shoulder which took him out of his trance. "H-hey Y/N, we're in the same class." Emerald stood in the line behind Y/N. He turned around to face Emerald and smiled "oh hey Emerald, good to see you again."

The teacher walked up to the line and lead them in. They were just about to sit down when the teacher dictated them into a a seating plan. "Ray next to Quiver, Mike next to Emerald, and finally Y/N next to Wesley." The seats were seat up in pairs and all had a desk and a computer. Y/N made his way over to his seat and sat down, he turned on to the computer and logged in using the same password he'd been using since he started school. Wesley also logged in and while it was loading he greeted Y/N "hey Y/N, how's it going?" Y/N looked over "oh hey Wesley, yeah I'm doing good, how about you?" He replied. "Oh yeah, my days pretty punny so far so we'll see what happens."

"Alright class, welcome back to another school year, let's start off strong! Today we're going to learn a bit of Python, you know the basic commands like print so this lesson shouldn't be hard."

When the class ended Emerald walked through the halls towards the cafeteria, slightly rushing because she was hungry. Once she got her food she found where Y/N was sitting and sat with him. She noticed that someone else was at the table.


Frisk closed the door to the ruins and sighed in relief "Chara you can come out." Chara became visible and scratched her nape "alright Frisk, let's continue, when we're done we can finally go to the surface?" Chara commanded with determination "yeah!" They both fist pumped and continued onwards, Chara turning invisible beforehand.

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