A Bunch Of Bone Heads

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Frisk trudged across the snow-covered ground. She stepped over a twig which was conspicuously broken when Frisk was a few metres away. She smirked a little, knowing who it was "Sans, I know you're there." Sans stopped in his tracks, staring in disbelief "h-how do you know my name human?" Frisk giggled "you're silly Sans, it's me Frisk." Sans shivered slightly, he remembered the human that sometimes haunted his dreams "you, who are you?" Sans came out of the dark and stared at Frisk.

Y/N walked through the halls of the school towards the exit, he paced his steps carefully, being cautious of where he was going. He stepped out side the front door of the building and immediately felt the cold breeze against his skin. Gen, who was wearing black gloves and a scarf, was at the steps to the school waiting. "Hey Y/N let's get going, it's freezing standing here." Gen motioned Y/N down the stairs onto the frosted path that lead through a few rows of leaf-less trees, the path ended up on the pavement of a road that split off in multiple directions. Gen and Y/N both went left because that's the way their houses were.

"Move out the way twerps!" The two were barged to the side by three older students. "Watch where your going next time" Y/N called out to them, he was slightly agitated at how himself and Gen were mistreated. The three students turned around. They were part of the white skull, a gang mostly made up of some members in the school. The had a dress code where they wore black clothes with white crosses and a white skull on the front of their shirts. One of the kids was smaller, another taller, and one in between.

They noticed Y/N and laughed in unison, the averaged sized one spoke up first "well look who it is, hey punch bag... where's psycho princess?" Y/N looked cautiously at them, he was puzzled at what the skull members meant. "Psycho princess?" The taller one seemed slightly irked. "You know punch bag, the one that you always hung around with!" The smaller one piped in as well "yeah, you remember what happened boss, didn't you say that you wanted revenge?" The average one gave a sly grin "oh yeah, and if psycho princess isn't here for the beat down, I guess punch bag will work"

The leader punched Y/N square in the face, knocking him onto the ground. Gen glared at the leader, he chuckled gaining a smile reminiscent of the one on the face of the person that beat them before. Fear struck through the leader, he remembered what happened that day, he wanted revenge so badly.

Emerald ran up to Y/N and helped him up "hey Y/N, are you okay?" Y/N nodded grunting at the pain on his cheek. "Well well well, look what just showed up. This reminds me of something huh punch bag." He went to kick Y/N but his kick was countered when Gen grabbed the leaders leg mid kick. "So if this happened before, what was the outcome? I'm sure it wasn't pretty, now why go trying to repeat that?" Gen twisted the leaders leg until a satisfying crack was heard. "I'll let you get off easy today since I've got to get home." Gen grabbed Y/N hand firmly and pulled him through the skull members, subsequently pulling Emerald along to.

"so you're Frisk, and last time you were here someone called Y/N sacrificed themselves to save the world, and now you need to get to the surface. Is that right?" Frisk nodded. Behind Frisk a figure phased into view "Frisks mostly right but she forgot the bit where me and Gaster were there." Sans seemed bewildered when he heard the name Gaster "you two, tell me everything at my house."

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