Wish I Could Spend This Time With You

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Y/N slowly got out of his bed, his stocking was hung at the other side of the room, filled.

His parents were highly protective over him after what happened before, they didn't leave the house unless he was at school, knifes were still kept out of his reach. Even though he lost his memory they still wanted to be sure that no means of self murder were available to him.

Y/N checked his phone, he had a text from Emerald saying that she was hosting a Christmas party, she invited Y/N and Gen since those were her first friends at this new school. The message read:

From Emerald
Sent 15 minutes ago

Dear Y/N,
         My family is hosting a Christmas event and they said I was allowed to invite some friends, I hope you attend. I have attached my address below.

Y/N smiled and went to his stocking, admiring its stitched red design. It felt warm, Y/N decided to wait and make sure his parents were ok with him going to Emerald's house. The door to his parents room opened as Y/N crept his way inside. There snores told him that they were not awake, Y/N walked downstairs and decided to make hot chocolate for the three of them. He hummed at tune, staring at the brightening sky out his window.

Frisk sat down next to Chara on sans's couch. Frisk looked to Chara worryingly, her face was more down then usual today. Frisk whispered quietly "Chara, what's wrong?" Chara looked woefully with her dull red eyes. Sighing, she got up "I'm fine, today is just not a good day for me."

Frisk and Chara have been living with sans and Papyrus for a bit, at least until they're ready. Papyrus had immediately taken a liking to them and decided to make today special for them, since it was Christmas. "Frisk, Chara, I made you two presents!" Papyrus jogged down the stairs carrying two sweaters. Papyrus handed them to their respective child and smiled. Chara and Frisk looked at the sweaters, each had a badly knitted picture of the four of them, they looked happy. Frisk smiled and put it on over her other sweater, Chara, however stared at it "...thanks Papyrus, its lovely."

Chara sat by the river alone and started singing to herself. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are grey.
You never know, dear, how much I love you...
Please don't take my sunshine away..."

A tear appeared in the corner of Chara's right eye, she sniffled and continued.

"The other night, as I lay sleeping.
I dreamt I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.
So I hung my head and I cried..."

Unbeknownst to Chara, Y/N was singing the exact same song on the surface, he was confused how he knew it as he had not heard said song, at least that's all he could remember. They sang the last verse in an unknown unison.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are grey.
You never know, dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away."

Chara sniffled one more time

"..please don't take my sunshine away."

Tear droplets fell into the river. "I wish I could spend my time with you again, this day was special to us wasn't it. Someday I'll see you again, the we can be happy together like we were meant to, just you and me together..."

"Y/N!" His mother called, she reached downstairs and saw a hot chocolate and breakfast at the table for her and Dad, "oh Y/N..." He came out of the kitchen and waved. He sat down at his place on the table and began to eat. "Mother, my friend would like me to go to her Christmas event, can I go?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked "oh, who's inviting you?" She was up to something. "My friend, Emerald. She's also inviting Gen so it'll be ok" She chuckled, "My child of course you can go, nice to see your making new friends anyway." Y/N finished his plate and when upstairs to get changed.

Y/N made his way through the cold snow, walking at a brisk pace, warming himself up as he went. Small snowflakes fell from the sky, they fell on his hair lightly. They painted a calm image for things to come.

Y/N marched his way through the snow-covered streets, making his way towards Emerald's home. One step, two step, three step. Each step played on his mind, how'd he know that song? He didn't know the answer, and he was pretty sure know one else did.

Y/N knocked on the door, he didn't know what to expect. The house was large, far larger then his house, it had a extensive garden out front, with rows of roses and tulips, the house its self was not far off from being called a mansion, it was covered with a unique white and green design across it. The door was answered, a old butler opened it and greeted the awestruck protagonist "Greeting Master Y/N, Emerald spoke of your arrival. Come this way." Y/N followed alongside the butler, he was a man at least in his fifties, his hair was grey with a few streaks of black left, how wore a white tuxedo with a green coloured rose in his pocket.

Emerald sat in the green room, not a green-coloured room but a greenhouse styled room, but instead of plants there was a long black table stretching across the room, with plenty of chairs dotted around it. Y/N and the butler walked in, the butler bowed "Madam Emerald, Master Y/N has arrived, I'm sure the other will arrive shortly." He bid his adieu and left.

"So Y/N, you came. It may come as a surprise to you that this is my home of residence. How was your trip here, I hope it wasn't too cold?" Y/N was confuse at her royal tone, but thought not to press on "it was fine, just a little chilly." There was a surprisingly high temperature in this room compared to the outside. It seemed to be controlled based on the outside temperature. "Let's wait until the others arrive to start."

Eventually Gen arrived, he sat down with them as they all began to converse. Time passed and Emerald's parents got back from their work, they all sat at the table and ate a Christmas dinner, the day was sent away with cheer.

"Chara, are you alright?" Frisk asked worrying. Chara was shaking a little, "Nothing, I can just sense something's going to happen to dear Y/N!" She was getting a bit angry "dear Y/N?" Chara went outside to vent her angry out. "I covet you Y/N, and someday I will have you...I won't let anyone take you away from me again."

(Merry Christmas Everyone! I feel like having Chara become slightly obsessed with Y/N. You can blame NotParticularlySane for this, he called me a yandere! I'm also releasing this early because I'm feeling the Christmas spirit and can't be asked to wait, knowing that you are waiting. How do you feel about Chara becoming obsessed with Y/N?)

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