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I don't know if you remember me Y/N but I need your hel-lo there young monster and welcome to the underground! I'm sure you must very confused about what to do and how to stay safe but luckily for you we have created a list of helpful tips and rules to help you stay safe and h-elp, I don't know what happened but things have gotten crazy here while you were gone. Without you here -REDACTED- isn't doing well, so to speak; that's what I hope is happening to h-ave fun down here with your fellow monsters!

Don't talk to shifty looking monsters unless you see members of the royal guard nearby and can call for help.

Only buy items from trusted salesmen, you don't want shoddy clothing!

Never talk to a human, inform the royal guard if you see one.

To get answers to your questions about how to live, ask the royal guard or trusted peers.

To get past the puzzles leading to the castle, please read the how to book on puzzles.

Reading the history of monsters and humans is very useful for learning about our past.

Usable items like food are scarcely placed so always stock up on it.

Spotting a human is sometimes difficult, they are very crafty and can hide almost anywhere.

To kill a human use magic attacks as they are usually very strong physically.

Careful when traversing Hotlands, Gaster's inventions are great but dangerous.

Having food on you at all times is a necessity.

Arrive to emergency meeting on time at all costs.

Read the magic for dummies book to increase chances of survival against humans.

And never forget, Stay Determined!

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