A Notice Through Madness

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"Alright class, as you know we have a school trip. I hope you all have your things prepared."

The classroom replied with a yes, except for one boy. He wore a pirate jacket with the number 111 written on the back of it.

"Miss, I forgot my food."

She looked at him with a dismissive eye, before sighing.

"I'm sure we can pack you something to keep you going."

He sat back down sheepishly. The girl next to him gave him a pat on the back before retaining focus back to the teacher.

"Alright class, let's head down to the hall and get ready."

Chara stood in front of Mettaton's powerless body, a devilish grin on her face.

"Ahahahahahahahaha, now what Mr. Ego?"

She stood triumphant before being dragged away by Frisk. After a little while of walking they had reached the absolute. Sans stood before them, blocking entrance to Asgore's room.

"You've come a long way Kiddos, but I doubt this is the first time you've took this journey. Now, you will be judged. Judged for every action you've took thus far, every reaction,"

He took a long pause. Silence filled the room, a darkening aura took over,

"And I'm truly surprised. You haven't killed a single soul. Maybe you actually have a heart. Hehe, anyways, I'm sure you already know about LOVE and EXP so I won't bother explaining it."

He walks past them,

"Be careful and please, don't kill Asgore."

He left the room. Chara continued on into the room and quickly removed herself from visibility. Frisk followed on after and faced the king.

"Hold on a minute, I just need to finish watering these flowers."

He turned around to look at them, and jumped a little once he discovered who it was.

"Well...I'm sure you know what must be done. Please follow me."

Y/N got into the school bus. They were going to camp out at the base of Mount. Ebott for the rest of the day and night, before returning tomorrow afternoon. They bus was rather large and could handle the class plus a few more. By the time the bus had arrived he was already dosing off. Him and the class left the bus and set forth towards the mountains.

Flowey lay defeated on the ground, hysterically laughing.

"You're a fool Chara, this plan won't work."

He picked himself up and glared, sending back to get the pacifist ending.

Chara and Frisk had finish the date with Alphys and been to the true lab, all they had left was Asriel. After Flowey gathered all the souls he was ready to finish this.

"Alright, I'm just going to break the barrier for you. This all too off script for me, I don't even want to reset it all."

Chara stood there confused, next to a slightly scared Frisk

"I thought we agreed to stick to the script?"

Chara growled, trying to maintain an angry face. She was fighting back tears once again. She hated sadness. "But it's Asriel," Chara thought, "my brother! After so long!"

"Does the script even matter anymore? You've changed Chara. You've changed and I don't like it!

"W-what? He doesn't like it? Or does he not like me? It must be the latter! He never liked me did he." Her thoughts were racing, feeding her anger, and she could get the thought out of her head. "He hates me."

"You don't like me do you. You never liked me did you."

"W-what are you saying!?"

"Well if you hated me so much you should of let me die,"

Chara sobs weakly,

"At least I would of died without knowing this pain! Why'd you have to be my brother Asriel! Why'd you have to save me from happiness!?"

Asriel stared in disgust. His brows furrowed, eyes staring deep into Chara's eyes.

"Chara. I don't hate you, I never did. We're siblings, and siblings care for each other. Dying would of never brought you happiness, I'm sure Y/N would of hated you being dead."

Frisk backed away into more nothingness.

"A-Asriel, I hate you. But I care for you more than I hate you. So...so-"

"I understand Chara. I'll open the barrier for you now, even if your plan is stupid. But..I'm going to turn into a Flower again, and I don't know what he's gonna do."

"Don't worry. I'll find a way to save you."

"I truly hope you can."

The barrier was destroyed

The children's camping was interrupted when the mountain began to shake, shrapnel fell from the top of the mountain. Shrieks began to erupt from the crowd. Panicking children and startled teachers. No one was ready for it.

Y/N, who was out exploring in the forest, heard this as well but didn't have time to take it all in as he was tackled onto the floor and embraced in a hug. He blushed lightly, looking around and locking eyes with the other person standing behind.


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