What He Thinks

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Frisk yawned as she awoke from slumber, she thought that today will be that they will make their way through Waterfall. She looked down from her couch bed to the sleeping Chara on the floor, she was murmuring in her sleep again, they've been getting weirder lately. "Y/N, no wait. Beloved don't leave!" She was in quite an uncomfortable position. She shot up, staring sat her surroundings. She was sweating profusely, "F-Frisk? What are you doing staring at me like that?"

They took off from the skeleton brother's house and headed towards the blue rivered area called Waterfall. Chara stared in determination to reach her goal, the one she cared for the most, her man, Y/N.

10:05 am

Frisk can't take her eyes off the waterfalls here, this is annoying. Hurry up Frisk, I need to get to Y/N!

10:36 am

We encountered Shyren, Frisk won't stop singing with it. I don't understand how she's still fascinated by this, she's seen this many times before!"

11:29 am

What just happened...

At 11:25 am

Chara and Frisk continued walking, Chara trying to get her to hurry up. The ground ahead of them began to rumble, causing the duo to stop. A yellow flower popped up, "You two! What happened!" Flowey glared angrily at the two of them. "I know what you did! And I know what Y/N said! Do you want they entire universe to be destroyed?!" Flowey looked distraught, Chara grew slightly angry "Ariel, I don't care!" Flowey went from distraught to dumbfounded "w-what, b-but..." Her eyes flashed a bright red "You think I care about that? Hahaha, and I thought sans was a fool." Her laugh was demoniacal, off-pitched, and ill-intentioned. "Even if you don't care, you won't be able to see him without me, and I really don't feel like taking all the monsters souls right now. After all, with you here, there are a hole world of new possibilities to explore!" Flowey knew what he was doing, scaring her was the best way to calm her down. "What!? Flowey, you wouldn't dare!"

"Ohohoh, but I would princess! I'm sure Y/N is probably having his own life now, going through school, making friends.....going on dates. Wouldn't want to disturb his happy life now would we?"

Chara picked Flowey up by the stem and lifted him to her face "now you listen here you flower-headed fool. If you don't go by the script you'll mess up things worse the me or Y/N ever could."

Frisk had heard enough "both of you shut your mouths! I may not agree with Chara's terms but I know for a fact that what she said about going against the script is true! We are on a very thing thread here! But don't think you're right Chara, I'm afraid that what Flowey said may also be true, and if you force yourself onto him then you'll lose him forever." There was dead silence. The two old friends stared at Frisk then back at themselves. Flowey was the first to speak "fine, I'll go with the script, but don't think I'm doing this for you, I'm doing this for Frisk and Y/N." Flowey burrowed back under the ground.

"Y/N could be dating someone?" Chara whispered to herself, she repeated her words again and again. She finally stopped and came back to her usual self "Alright let's keep going."

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