Leaving the Bradbury

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"Doctor Chekov." A man called as I entered the building for a conference.
I turned around to see Captain Abbott standing there, looking at me.
"Good morning, Keptin. How may I be of assistance?" I asked him.
"You've been reassigned to the U.S.S Enterprise. They asked for another Doctor." He told me. I looked at him, and nodded.
"Ok, sir. Zank you for telling me." I said, and he walked away. I continued my journey to the conference. When I arrived, I sat down next to my brother.
"Good morning, Pavel." I said to him. He smiled at me.
"Good morning, Katia. I take it you heard ze news?" He asked me.
"Yes. As if living with you as a child wasn't enough." I told him, and he laughed.
"It'll be fun, Katia!" He told me.
"But... who nominated me?" I asked.
"I did. When Doctor McCoy said he needed another Doctor, I zaid you were a Doctor! You're welcome!" He exclaimed.
"Well, thank you, brother." I said. Then, my friends came in and sat next to me, and Pavel went to sit with his Friends.
"Good morning, Katia! You look excited!" My best friend Jenna said to me.
"Well... I've been transferred to ze Enterprise!" I exclaimed, and Jenna squealed.
"Congratulations!" She said, and hugged me. Then, Mai joined in.
"We're so happy for you, Katia." she said. Then, we went silent as the conference started. It was really boring, something about safety on the ships. When it finished, I left with my friends, and as we were walking, my communicator buzzed, so I opened it to talk to whoever was calling me.
"You're needed on ze ship now." Pavel said.
"Ok, I'm on my way." I said, and said goodbye to my friends before jogging to the shuttle going to the Enterprise. When I got on, I saw a beautiful man. I could do nothing but stare. Until I heard Pavel call me over. I sat down next to him, and we made our way to the ship.

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