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P.s the girl in the picture above is what I think Jenna would look like.

"Mozer! Pavel said you wanted to talk to me." I said when she picked up. I was on my way back to my room when I called her.
"Ah, Katia, darling! How are you?" She asked me.
"I'm good, mozer. I got reassigned to ze Enterprise, which means I'm working with Pavel." I said, and heard her laugh.
"I know! Zat's great! And have you met any nice men yet?" She asked me, and I blushed, which I knew she couldn't see.
"Mother!" I exclaimed.
"Does that mean you have found someone?" She asked.
"I met a guy... he's nice, but it's nothing serious." I told her.
"Who is he?" She asked.
"No-one, Mother." I said, and walked into my room. I had fifteen minutes to get ready. "Well, I have to go, I'll speak to you another time."
"Ok, love you, Katia." She said, and I hung up.
"Katia?" Jenna called from around the corner.
"I'm here, Jenna. I'm just getting changed." I called back, as I put on a flowy shirt and a pair of navy jeans. Then, I pulled on a pair of black ballet flats. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail, and grabbed my purse.
"You ready, Jenna?" I called, and she came around the corner.
"Yep." She said. She was wearing a short pink dress with a pair of black sandals. Her hair was down, and flowing freely. She followed me to the nearest cafe, and we sat down in the corner, by the window looking out at the academy.
"What would you like?" I asked her.
"Um... I'll have a latte, please." She said, and I went and ordered our drinks. When I came back with the drinks, Jenna was gazing out of the window. I sat down, and slid her drink across the table to her.
"Jenna, is something wrong?" I asked her, and a tear ran down her cheek. "Jenna? Jenna, what's wrong? Tell me." I said, confused as of why she was crying.
"I...My sister was involved in a car crash this morning... they say she's not got long left..." she stuttered, and shook her head.
"Oh, Jenna! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, and hugged her.
"It's ok, Katia. It wasn't your fault." She said, and sipped her drink. We spent most of the time talking about her sister, and how great she was. Then, the topic switched to my night with Jim, and I gave her all the recent gossip.
"Thanks for taking me out today, Katia. I really needed this." She told me as we were about to leave.
"Zat's ok. I'm so sorry about Elena, I really am. Try not to get too upset about it, zink about ze good things you did with her." I said, and hugged her. But during the hug, my comm buzzed. I pulled away, and picked it up.
"You're needed on the ship." Pavel said.
"Ok, I'll be zere in a meenute." I said, and put it away. I said goodbye, and jogged to my room, grabbed my bag with my blue uniform in, and walked to the shuttle. When I arrived, Jim invited me to sit with him. And when we arrived, I put on my uniform and stopped McCoy as we were walking to the medical bay.
"Doctor McCoy... Jim hasn't said anything about me, has he?" I asked him. He smirked.
"Please, call me Bones. And no, he hasn't. Why?" He asked. I blushed.
"I may have slept wiz him..." I muttered, and he laughed.
"Oh, I can't wait to tell your brother!" He exclaimed. And I shook my head.
"No, please don't... he'll go mad." I said, and he nodded. We continued the walk to the medical bay in silence. When we arrived, I tended to Keenser, and a voice came through the speaker.
"This is Captain Kirk speaking. We're warping to a planet endangered by a volcano set to erupt tomorrow. We're going to hide the ship underwater, and try to save the planet. Alright, Kirk out." He said, and the speaker cut out.
"Ready for an adventure, little man?" I asked Keenser, and he nodded.

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