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Jim, Uhura and Spock returned with the man they were sent out to kill. He was strange, black hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. He looked a bit like a vampire or something. He was put in a glass cage, where he could not get out. I went into the room where Jim was watching him. I walked over to Jim, and looked him in the eyes.
"Why is zis murderer on our ship? You were sent out to kill him, Jim." I said, a bit frustrated.
"I need answers from him. I need to know why he killed Pike." He told me. Bones walked in with Spock.
"Bones! Take a blood sample from this man, would you?" He asked, and bones nodded, before doing as he was told. I went back to the medical bay with Bones to examine the sample, and let Jim talk to this mysterious murderer. Bones called me over when he had the results up. I looked at the screen to see a magnified image of the cells, but they are multiplying at a very fast rate.
"They're... regenerating." I said.
"Yes. And I want to know how." Bones said, and looked up at me. "I need you to get me a tribble, K." He told me, and I nodded. Apparently K was now my nickname. I grabbed a tribble, a big brown fluffy one, and it purred in my hands as I took it to Bones. He thanked me, and I turned away as he killed it, as it would have upset me. When it was done, I turned back, but Jim walked in, and grabbed me by the waist. I turned back at him, and kissed him on the cheek.
"This is not time for flirting, Jim." Bones said, before spinning on his chair to face us. I stepped away from Jim, in order to stay professional.
"Right. Bones, Katia, I need you to go disarm a torpedo with Dr. Marcus for me." Jim said, and Bones eyes widened.
"Who's Dr. Marcus?" I asked.
"Well, the blonde lady. She faked her identity to get onto the Enterprise. She's the daughter of admiral Marcus." Jim explains, and that pisses me off a bit. Who would fake their identity to get on our ship, and possibly cause a problem? I sigh.
"And you want us to go with her to disarm an...explosive?" Bones asked, and Jim nodded. He threw his hands up and turned to face away from us.
"I zink zat's a no, Jim." I said.
"No. We do as the captain says. Come on, K, let's go disarm a bomb!" He said sarcastically, and I nodded.
"Thank you, guys. I promise, I'll repay you." Jim said, and walked out to let us prepare. When we arrived on the desolate planet, I helped bones get the gear out, and we got to work on disarming the missile.
"Well, ladies, how can these legendary hands help you?" Bones asked, as we all sat around the torpedo.
"No flirting, Bones." Jim said through the comm in Bones' hand. He turned to me.
"You know, I once performed a c-section on a pregnant gorn. Octuplets. And let me tell you, those little bastards bite." He told me, and I laughed.
"Don't flirt with me! How do you zink my boyfriend will react?" I said, and he laughed.
"I don't know. Shall we test it? Call it an experiment." He said, and I laughed again. He knew this would piss Jim off a bit.
"Right, Dr McCoy, I need you to cut a wire under that hatch. It's the 23rd wire down, and don't touch anything else, alright?" Dr Marcus said and Bones nodded. I was on standby, in case anything happened.
"On my word." She continued, before giving the word and Bones cut the wire. Suddenly, the hatch closed on Bones, trapping his arm. He cried out in pain.
"30 seconds to detonation!" Dr Marcus shouted and started I started to unscrew a latch.
"Jim, beam us back!" I shouted.
"The transporter can't tell the difference between Bones and the torpedo!" Jim replied, and carol started helping me in our efforts to disarm the torpedo.
"Beam the girls back! I don't want them getting killed!" Bones shouted. I turned to him, furious.
"Don't beam us back, Keptin! He dies, we die too!" I shouted as me and Dr Marcus grabbed the source of power and started to pull.
"Shit!" Dr Marcus shouted, but we managed to pull the object out, shutting down the Torpedo and freeing Bones' arm. The top popped open, and dr Marcus took a look as I checked if Bones was ok. When he assured me he was fine, we all took a look at what was inside.
"Holy crap." Bones said.
"Is zat a man?" I asked, and Dr Marcus nodded.
"And he's alive, somehow." Bones added.

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