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Jim and Bones were running towards the ocean again, after Jim had stolen something.
"You just stunned our ride!" I heard Bones shout to Jim, and I raised an eyebrow at Pavel. He smiled back.
"Chekov, can you beam us back?" Jim asked into the comm.
"Which one are you talking to?" Pavel asked.
"The girl one." He answered.
"Umm, I'll ask Scotty." I said, before flipping my comm open.
"Scotty, can we beam Jim and Bones back?" I asked.
"No, lassie." He said immediately. I put the comm away again.
"We can't beam you back, keptin. You'll have to find anozer way to get in." I said, and I heard Bones sigh. As they continued their journey back to the ship, we switched our focus to Spock, who was just about to enter the volcano.
"How's it going, Uhura?" I called.
"We're going to have to pull up. The shuttle can't bear the heat!" She said.
"Ok. Pull Spock up, we can't let him stay in the volcano." I said, as I heard a snap.
"Shit!" Uhura shouted. From what I could guess, something bad had happened. They arrived back minutes later, and so did Jim and Bones.
"Where's Spock?" Jim said as he ran into the bridge with Bones following him. Uhura looked at him with apologetic eyes.
"Still in the volcano, captain." She replied. He sighed, before he walked towards the seat. I got up and moved out of the way.
"Scotty, can we beam Spock back?" He asked into the comm.
"No, captain." He replied. Jim looked at Bones as I stood next to where Pavel was sitting.
"If I was there and he was here, what would Spock do?" Jim asked.
"He'd let you die." Bones answered. And before I knew it, we were out of the water and soaring through the sky to beam Spock back. Jim went to the transporter deck to meet Spock. I returned to the medical bay and waited to return home. Spock was sent down with Bones for a medical exam.
"Katia, can you give Spock a medical exam? I need to go sort myself out." Bones said, so i walked over to Spock and started to scan him.
"You're awfully lucky to be alive right now, mister Spock." I told him, and he sighed.
"They saw our ship, Doctor." He replied. I turned of the scanner and started to do another test.
"Zat doesn't matter. What matters is zat you are alive." I said. I finished the tests and looked at him properly for the first time. His eyebrows were funny, and I struggled to keep in a giggle.
"You're perfectly healthy, mister Spock." I said, and let him get back to the bridge. We arrived at the station shortly after, and I got on the shuttle. This time I sat next to Pavel again.
"Hello again Katia! You did a great job earlier." He told me, and I smiled at him.
"Zanks, Pavel! You did great too!" I replied. We were strange twins, curly brown hair, high-ish pitched voices and pretty much the same facial structure. The only significant difference was that I was a girl and Pavel was a boy. But we were best friends, too. No-one knew me better than Pavel. And no-one knew Pavel better than me. We chatted happily until we arrived back on earth. Jim stopped me just as I was getting off the shuttle.
"Katia! Can I speak to you for a minute?" He said, and grabbed my arm. I stepped aside to let the others off the shuttle, then stepped off to speak to Jim.
"What is it, Keptin?" I asked.
"Did Spock... say anything to you?" He asked me, and I sighed.
"He said somezing about the natives seeing our ship. Zat's all, though." I told him.
"Ok. And do you want to come for dinner at my place later?" He asked me. I sighed.
"I love you, Jim, I mean who doesn't, but maybe we should just be friends. For now." I said, and he looked at the floor.
"Will you still come for dinner, though?" He asked, and looked up at me with a sexy eyebrow raise. How could I say no? I sighed again.
"Ok. Az long as we don't end up Fucking again." I said. And that's exactly what we ended up doing.

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