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As we arrived at Nibiru, we hid the ship underwater, which took quite some time. When we were finally sorted, Jim's voice came through the speakers.
"Ok everyone, we will be underwater for the next day. Tomorrow we will conduct a mission to save this planet, as the volcano is set to erupt then. Oh, and can I see Doctor Chekov, please? Meet me on the bridge. Kirk out." I sighed, and left the medical bay, to arrive on the bridge minutes later.
"Yes, keptin?" I asked as he turned to face me. He leaned in, to tell me something.
"How about you spend the night with me again, Katia?" He whispered.
"Jim... I don't know..." I muttered.
"Well, I guess we can keep things professional, then. No sex whilst we are on missions." He laughed.
"Stop it, Jim. We'll talk about it later." I told him. Pavel turned around on his chair and looked at me.
"Good evening, Katia!" He exclaimed, and smiled at me.
"Good evening, Pavel!" I said back, and smiled. I then left the bridge, and went back to Keenser.
"You look a bit better now, Keenser. I zink you may be able to get back to work." I told him, and he nodded. Bones was still up in the bridge, so I called him on my comm.
"Hey Bones, it's me. I zink Keenser is ok to get to work again. Should I let him go?" I asked.
"Sure, Katia." He said, and I put my comm away again, before letting Keenser go. I sat at my desk doing paperwork, etc, for the next hour or two, until Bones said I was free to go. I immediately went back to Jim.
"Ah, Katia! Let's continue our conversation from earlier, yes?" He asked, and I smirked.
"Jim..." I muttered, before he pulled me closer and kissed me. I kissed him back, but pulled away after a while.
"Now, Jim, not today." I said, and he frowned.
"Playing hard-to-get, huh? I like it." He muttered, but before he could do anything else, I walked out of the room. I loved this man, but we were moving way too quickly. I went back to my room and had that strange dream from the other night again, but this time it was different. I was in a classroom with Jim, but it still had the same plot line. When I woke up the next morning, Jim was playing Classical music around the ship. I put on my uniform, and tied my hair up, before leaving my room. When I arrived in the medical bay, Bones wasn't there.
"Where's Doctor McCoy?" I asked a nurse, who was sorting out some paperwork.
"He's going out with Jim on a mission. He's getting changed." She said, and I nodded, before leaving the medical bay and walking to the bridge. When I arrived, Everyone looked at me.
"I know, I should be in medical. But has anyone seen Keptin Kirk and Bones?" I asked. Sulu nodded, and stood up.
"They went to find Scotty." He said, before turning off the music. "I don't like classical music."
"I don't mind it..." I said, before leaving the bridge and jogging back to the medical bay. I couldn't be bothered to chase Jim and Bones around anymore. I sorted the needle tray, then sat at my desk. Bones arrived about 15 minutes later, wearing a wetsuit.
"Jim wants to see you, Katia." He called to me, and I walked towards him.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"On the bridge." He told me, and I sighed, before walking to the bridge. Again. When I arrived, Jim was also wearing a wetsuit, along with Sulu, Spock and Uhura.
"Katia, we need you on standby. You can sit in the chair." He told me, and I grinned.
"Zank you, Keptin! I'll make sure to do a good job. Good luck saving Nibiru!" I exclaimed, and the group left the bridge. Pavel turned around and grinned as I sat in the chair. I smiled back.
"Kirk to Enterprise. We're ready to go." Jim said through the communicator.
"Ok, Keptin. Scotty, let zem out!" I said, and the mission was underway.

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