Christmas special 2016!

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It's Christmas Day. I woke up early, and got ready, before running to Pavel's room to see him, with his gift. I put in the code to his door and walked in, just to see him ready and as excited as I was.
"Happy Christmas, Pavel!" I exclaimed, and grinned before giving him his gift. He handed me one back.
"Merry Christmas, Katia." He replied, and on the count of three, we both opened our gifts. I had bought Pavel a tool kit, after the engineering problem back on the Klingon border, when we were hunting for Khan. When the gifts were both open, we laughed. He had gotten me a pretty little picture in a white and gold frame of our family: me, Pavel, Mom, Dad and sookie, our pet schnauzer. We hugged, and said thank you to each other. We left Pavel's room and went to the bridge, where, just like us, everyone was wearing at least one Christmassy item. For me and Pavel,it was Christmas hats. Jim, Bones and Spock were also wearing Christmas hats. Uhura, Sulu and Scotty were wearing Christmas Jumpers. I approached Jim and Bones immediately, and handed them their gifts.
"Merry Christmas, boys!" I exclaimed, and watched them open their gifts. I had gotten Bones a badge saying "I'm a doctor, not a..." and a t-shirt saying "grumpy little man". They made him laugh. I got Jim a photo in a frame of me and him, captioned:"best couple in the galaxy". He hugged me.
"Thank you, Katia." They both said, and I smiled at them.
"You're welcome, boys. Have a wery merry Christmas!" I exclaimed.
"We have presents for you, too, Katia." Jim said, and I smiled.
"Oh, you really didn't have to..." I muttered, but  Bones handed me a box. I opened it, to see a tribble, a little brown one.
"You got me a tribble?" I asked, and he nodded. I picked the tribble up and started to snuggle it.
"I know it won't live long, but I know you love tribbles, so..." he said, and I hugged him.
"Zank you, Bones." I said.
"Anything for you, K." He replied.
"Now for my present!" Jim said, and handed me another box. I opened it, to see a ring, shaped like the Enterprise. It was perfect. I kissed him, and he held me close.
"Zank you so much!" I squealed. He laughed.
"I'm glad you like it, Katia." He said, and I slipped the ring onto the ring finger on my right hand. It was obvious it wasn't an engagement ring, we'd only been together for 6 months. We all sent the day on the bridge connecting, and having fun. When we arrived back, I sat next to Jim and Spock in the shuttle, and when we arrived at StarFleet, Jim walked me to my room. He told me to meet him in an hour. When I got inside, Jenna was waiting for me, smiling on the couch with a gift in her hand. I went to the safe under my bed and got hers out, before handing it to her.
"Happy Christmas, Jenna!" I exclaimed, and watched her open her gift. I had got her a bracelet with half of the Ying and Yang. She smiled up at me, and I put one arm up to show my bracelet, with the other half of the Ying and Yang. She jumped up and hugged me.
"Thanks, Katia!" She squealed, before stepping back and handing me my gift. I opened it to see a necklace, with my name on it. I put it on immediately, and giggled.
"It's perfect, Jenna! Zank you wery, wery much." I said, but then I went to get ready to meet Jim. I put on the necklace, my bracelet, did my hair and put on my favourite red dress. I put my Christmas hat on just to make it more festive. As I was putting on my matching red heels, Jenna noticed my ring.
"Woah, whats that sparkler? Is it shaped like... your ship?" She asked, and I looked up at her.
"Oh, this? Yeah, it's shaped like the Enterprise. Jim got it for me as a Christmas present." I said, and she smiled.
"It's lovely, Katia! Have a nice time with Jim!" She said, and I got up and walked out of the door. I walked to Jim's room and put the code in, and when I walked in I saw him sitting at the table, with a full dinner set out for us, candles and everything. He smiled as I sat at the table opposite him.
"You did all zis... for me?" I asked, and he grinned.
"Of course. Anything for my perfect little Chekov." He said, and I smiled back.
"Zank you, Jim." I said. We spent the meal eating, drinking and flirting, and when we'd finished, we moved to the sofa.
"So, what would you like to do, gorgeous?" He asked me.
"Well... how about we do something... passionate?" I asked, and he smiled.
"You know what I want, Katia." He said, and we started kissing. After a while, we were taking each other's clothes off, and eventually we ended up in bed. Again. But I must say, that was an amazing Christmas.

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