Mr Pike

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I couldn't see Jim anywhere at the bar, so I went back to my room. Where on Earth could he have gone? I arrived back at my room to see Jenna, with her eyes fixed to the tv. Suddenly, my comm buzzed, and I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"We need a doctor here right now." Spock said.
"I'm surprised you didn't call--" I said, before Spock interrupted.
"We're in the headquarters on the top floor. Get here quick." He said.
"I'm on my way." I said, and put the comm away. I quickly slipped into my uniform and ran to the building, where there was smoke spreading from the top floor. I ran up there as quick as I could, and when I arrived, I saw Jim throwing something at a ship, which i was guessing had attacked the building. I ran to Spock.
"What's ze problem, commander?" I asked. He looked at me, then looked at Jim.
"Someone is bound to get hurt. We need your assistance." He told me, and I nodded. Suddenly, an explosion went off, striking Captain Pike. I ran to him, and me and Spock dragged him to the side, where he couldn't get hit again. I examined his wounds, and sighed. He wasn't going to make it. The ship attacking was damaged by Jim, and it crashed into another room on the top floor. Luckily, no-one was in that room. I tried to do what I could, but Pike passed. I watched Spock as the last thing he did was touch his face, I think he was mind-melding with him. Jim ran over to us, and started to cry once he saw the lifeless corpse of Pike. I hugged him, and let him cry on my shoulder. I pulled him out of the room with me, and talked to him.
"Are you alright, Jim?" I asked. He shook his head, and tears continued to roll down his cheeks.
"He was like a father to me..." he muttered. He looked broken, confused.
"Oh, Jim. I tried to help him, but zere was nothing I could do. Maybe you should have called Bones instead." I sighed.
"No. I told Spock to call you. I needed you here. Because I... I love you, Katia. I wanted support in case something happened. And something did." He said, and before he could say anything else, I kissed him passionately.
"Jim... I feel ze same way. I fell for you ze day I met you. You know what, I'll stay with you tonight. For emotional support. Not for sex." I said, and smiled at him. He nodded, and hugged me. Bones ran into us as I was waking Jim back to his room.
"My god Jim, are you ok? You look like you've been through hell." He said.
"No... I'm not ok, Bones. But Katia is here to help me--- I mean, Doctor Chekov." He said, before quickly correcting himself.
"Alright... wait, why did he call you? I thought he'd call me, so I was on standby. Then I came here to help anyway." He asked me, then told me.
"He wanted my support. He's wery upset right now." I said.
"What happened?" He asked, and I leaned in to whisper something to him, as it would probably just upset Jim again.
"Mr Pike was killed." I whispered, and he gasped.
"I'm so sorry, Jim." He muttered, and Jim smiled weakly.
"We all are, Bones. But We have to stay strong." Jim replied. He walked with us back to Jim's apartment, and Bones stopped me just as I was about to walk in with Jim.
"Katia, are you and Jim a thing?" He asked, and I sighed.
"Alright, you caught me. Yes, me and Jim are a zing." I said.
"Called it." He said, and before I could even say bye to him, he walked away, so I joined him inside. I cooked him some food, and we ate together, before I ran back to my room to grab pyjamas, where I was stopped by Jenna.
"I saw the attack at the tower. Where did you go?" She asked me.
"I was zere. Keptin Kirk called me for help, and I... someone died." I sighed.
"Oh god, Katia, that must've been awful. I'm so sorry." She told me, as I grabbed a bag and put my clothes in it. I took a uniform with me, too, in case I was called out, but I highly doubted it because our captain just died. Maybe we would get Jim back. I put my hairbrush and shoes in too and zipped it up, before saying bye to Jenna and going back to Jim's.

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