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We got back to the ship and Jim ordered us to get the people out of all the torpedoes. When we were finished, Pavel gave the all-clear to warp, and try to get back to earth. But as we were about to leave, a ship ten times our size appeared, and hailed us. I didn't hear the conversation, but Bones told me it was the admiral. We had Khan with us in the medical bay, and we were checking his vitals. Bones and I still wanted to work out why his cells regenerated so quickly. Jim called Bones on the comm.
"Keep Khan exactly where he is. We're not giving him to the admiral." He said, and I saw Bones' frustration.
"Oh, for god's sake, Jim! Can't you just be a normal person and listen to the Admiral?" He asked, and exchanged a worried glance with me.
"Just keep him there." Jim said, and Bones put the comm away.
"Where's Marcus?" He asked.
"I think she went to the bridge. Probably to be flirted with by Jim." One of the nurses answered, and my eyebrows furrowed.
"Jim has a girlfriend, you know." I chimed in, and the nurse rolled her eyes. Bones looked at me.
"Keep him here." He said, and walked off, probably to the bridge as usual. I sighed. The nurse walked over to me.
"Who's his girlfriend then, huh?" She asked me.
"Why do you need to know?" I asked, and she smirked.
"Because how can I believe you if I don't know who it is? I want to speak to her, see if it's true." She said, and I felt the anger starting to build up inside me. That nurse, Kaylee Topwell, is a total bitch, and I hated her.
"Alright, I'll tell you who it is, but don't bother talking to her about it, because she's talking to you right now." I said, and grinned at her. She laughed at me.
"You? In your dreams, little Russian liar." She said to me, and I was inches away from losing my temper.
"Alright, I'll call him on my comm, prove it to you." I said, and flipped my comm open.
"Jim?" I said.
"Yes, Katia, baby?" He said, and I smiled as Kaylee's eyes widened.
"Aren't I your girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yes you are, darling." He said.
"Zank you. Oh, and I've got my eye on Khan for you. Love you." I said, and I put the comm away.
"Told you." I said to Kaylee, and she looked at the floor in shame, before walking away. I walked to where Khan was.
"Alright, you strange man. Why do your cells regenerate so quickly?" I asked, and he looked at me.
"Because I am better than you." He said, and I sighed.
"Alright, I'll let you keep zinking that." I said. But suddenly, we went spinning out of warp. Bones came running in again.
"It's about to go down. Be prepared for the worst." He told us all, and I started to worry. What had Jim done now?
Jim came running in shortly after.
"I need Khan to come with me. We're going onto the other ship." He said, and we walked Khan to wherever they were supposed to go. When Jim and Khan were ready to go, I stopped Jim for a minute.
"Please, don't get yourself killed." I said, and he kissed me.
"I'll try not to." He said, and smiled at me, before I had to leave and get back to the medical bay. Everything was silent for a while, until Bones and I were ordered to arm the torpedoes again. When we were done, they were transported to the other ship, but I had no idea where Jim was. Then we were attacked, and everything went wrong from there. I felt us falling, and the gravity went crazy, and it was obvious we'd been attacked. I cut my arm on a table when we ended up on the wall, and Bones ran over to me.
"K, are you alright?" He asked me, as I put pressure on my arm to help stop the bleeding. He wrapped it up in a bandage for me, but suddenly, everything was fine again. What had happened?

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