4. The sly fox

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Sans view

God this kid is so cute, Or adult women if I must say. She has boobs, ass, and even a body big enough for me. I'm gonna make her myn. Although, I have a feeling papyrus is thinking the same exact thing. She was so cute and nice, and fuck...Am I in love right know? In this world its kill, or fucking be killed, not fall in love in a day. It could just be a stupid feeling. I looked over at her, she had just whispered night before falling asleep. She was like a small teddy bear in papyrus's arms. She was like a fucking angel. I chuckled, this really is love, isn't it?

Papyrus or boss view

I looked down at the small human resting in my arms. She was so beautiful and majestic. I couldn't help myself, I was falling for her. She was amazing in a way, I think I was in love. Probably...The only reasonable action in this world, is to claim her. That will make her myn and I'll be able to claim her till the end of time. I sneaked a glance at her. Her little face was beautiful. I just wanted to kiss her, but, I'll hold myself back for know. This really is love, isn't it?

3rd person

The two skeletons kept walking with the human and finally reached the town. They decided the best thing to do would have sans go get some fake ears and papyrus take the human home.

"Don't do anything stupid while your in there mongrel."

"Nah boss, I wouldn't want to let her down would I?"

Papyrus growled but nodded. He started walking off. Sans opened the shop door. Better make this quick he thought. He walked into the bunnies shop.

"Hey bitch, got any ears?"

She looked up from a mettaton magazine. She scowled.

"Don't be such a fucking brute sans, there over there."

She pointed to a corner. Sans walked over to were she was pointing.

"Why do you need em anyways, isn't your shed already filled with toys?"

He searched the corner and saw three pairs left.

"Seriously what do you fuckers ever do with those-"

Sans slammed a pair of orange fox ears on the counter. She looked up, a little frightened.

"I'll have these to go bitch, and you better stop talking bout me and my brothers shit, understand?"

She nodded quickly. Sans picked up the ears and walked towards the door.

"Hey, you didn't pay for those!"

He looked back at her, his eye glowing. She shivered back, he smirked.

"Well I figured since a bitch like you keeps talking shit, might as well take this as fair trade, don't talk shit bout me or my boss again, got it whore?"

She nodded. Sans grin grew wider as he walked out of the shop. There is one rule in the town, don't mess with the skeleton brothers, they will fuck you up.

Your view

I woke up in a comfortable bed for once. Its sheets were lined with beautiful black and red on the inside. I was so warm, and comfortable. I smiled, getting even more deeper in the sheets. I was still a little cold though from my clothes. They seemed to be frozen. Well, I was safe under sheets, so... where's the harm? I slowly took off my shorts, and shirt. Throwing them on the floor. All that's left was my black bra and black and white stripped underware. I would take those off, but, I didn't wish to stain the bed with my 'wetness'. I was still getting wet, it really was a horny day for me. I snuggled into the covers, feeling how cold my skin was. Maybe I should invite one of the skeletons in...Wait a minute. I was in a bed, the room was slightly dark. There was no one in here. They could be back any second. I just took off my clothes...What the hell is wrong with me?! I quickly started for the clothes as the door opened and light shined in. The tall skeleton stood there, with the short one. Holding a pair of fake fox ears. They looked at me, then saw the situation. I quickly dove under the covers. I'm pretty sure they saw my boobs. Oh gawd what am I gonna do?! I heard steps and felt a boney hand pull me out from under the covers. I was met with two blushing skeletons. What am I gonna do know?

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