6. Another time round

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Nightmares were the usual, but, tonight was different...Until I was woken to a  bump in the head. I opened my eyes and was "Magically" Floating above the ground. The skeleton still sleeping, using the blankets as a cuddle buddy. I looked over, the door was open and sans stood, sweating nervously. Was he kidnaping me from papyrus? Yup. It was a little funny I will admit, but, I resisted the urge to laugh. Sans noticed me awake from the bump. He had accidentally hit my head into a wall if I were to guess. It kinda hurt. I looked at him, he was concentrating really hard. I waved, sending a goofy little heart sign. He blushed a bright red, his concentrating off key, making me drop to the ground. A loud noise accured under my ass and damn did it hurt. I winced, my ass already hurt from the hehe with the big skeleton, now it hurt even more. I looked over at the boss, he seems to have not woken from it, only stirred. His boney hand ripped through one of the sheets, oh thank zero I was not there. (Vampire nights zero, sorry I had to 'u') I got up off the floor, rubbing my ass. I looked back at the door, sans was sweating even heavier then before. I crept out the door, and sans shut it softly. He sighed and looked at me. His eyes going down just a little. Wait, why is he staring at me like that? OH wait, am I still?... I looked down, SHIT. I covered up my boobs and pussy as much as I could. I totally forgot I was butt naked. I looked down, blushing incredibly. I wonder what he was thinking...Nope nope nope...Don't even think it. I felt a boney hand lift my chin. He was looking at me with a deep expression. Huh? His fingers tracing my cheeks and lip bones. He rolled his eyes at my expression and started walking towards a different room. Before grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I had no cleavage on my pussy, and it felt honestly weird. I walked in total denial as my face flushed again. He got to a different door, it was marked with a "STAY THE FUCK OUT OR I WILL FUCK YOU UP" Literally. He pulled out a small key from his pocket, he had a new jacket on as well. How many does he have? He unlocked the door, revealing a small bedroom compared to "boss". He stumbled in, pulling me in like a tornado. I stumbled in, repeating his actions as he closed the door. He shuffled and I heard him click a switch. A dresser, bed and carpeting was revealed, along with many dirty clothes, and a few magazines. Well obviously porno, but, one of them stood out. Sans went to the closet, and started putting away his coat. I swiftly got closer to the magazine, it had a picture of a human? It must have been thrown down here, but, it wasn't porn. It was one of the cheap magazines, on the cover it read "What is love?". How did he get this? Probably the hole I fell down. It had science and everything if I were to guess. I felt something tap my shoulder, I looked around. Sans was looking away from me, a pair of clothes in his hand. His face full of blush.

"Put these on for know."

I nodded and turned away. I started dressing myself quickly. A pair of basket ball shorts that were a little big, and a big red t-shirt. It was pretty comfortable I wont lie. I looked back behind me, sans had been staring at my back, taking all of me in. Heh cheater.


He looked up. A bit of red poked at his face again.

"Those are the only clothes I got for know, so they will have to do."

I nodded. He looked down and sat on the bed.

"S-So your not gonna use me inappropriately?"

I said, stumbling just a little. He looked up, shaking his head.

"No I'm not a brute if you could believe me, only to people who piss me off. Actually, I would rather have the other person be ok with, sex and all, plus I just wanna talk in all honesty."

He looked down, it must have taken a lot of courage to admit that.

"A-and don't worry about people spying, that walls are sound proof."

I nodded. I went towards the bed, and sat down.

"S-So I guess I should probably be informed the situation, of all this"

I made air quotes. Sans nodded. He breathed in and out, and started.

"So here's the thing..."

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