8. The new routine

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I woke up in the morning to papyrus looking down on me. I squeaked and jumped up to hit my head on his thick skull. He jumped back swearing and rubbing his head. I fell down to the bed and rubbed my head. THAT really hurt...I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to make the pain go away. I heard the door creek and opened my eyes to see sans standing there.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

Papyrus looked up, a little flustered.

"I was just coming in to wake up the human idiot!"

Sans looked back at him, more pissed.

"Well I was just asking mongrel!"

They went towards each other, both scowling.

"Why was she in your room anyways?!"

"Maybe I wanted some company besides your ass!"

"I never told you, you COULD!"

"I don't need your damn APPROVAL!"


"last time I checked, I WAS OLDER!"

They both huffed and looked away from each other. It was kinda funny. They both seemed to hate each other, yet, it was almost like another sibling rival. Wait, it was a sibling rivalry.

"So should I just um leave?.."

They looked over at me.

"Of Course not human! You are our prisoner after all!"

A prisoner? I thought i was the play thing?...I'm so confused. Papyrus looked over me.

"What are you wearing?"


"I gave em to er boss, just in case a monster stoops by they wont get any, erm, ideas."

Papyrus looked away giving a approved nod.

"Fine i guess that's good for know."

He turned back around and held out his hand. I put myn forward as he dropped something into into. It was the orange fox ears, the tips had been colored in. I swallowed as the collar felt tighter. They were so cute...but do I really have to wear them?

"Do I really have to wear these?"

"When you address me call me master human!"

"O-Ok do I have to wear these master?"

"Yes! With this you at least look like a monster!"

I didn't think I was gonna fool anyone but I put the ears on. 

"Know a finishing touch"

Sans eye turned red again and I braced myself for in pact. Was he gonna throw me against the wall?! I closed my eyes shut as I ready myself. I felt magic swirl around me, going straight to my head, and then all of a sudden, it disappeared. I opened my eyes as papyrus nodded a approval for what ever sans did.

"There that should fool anyone."

Sans pulled a mirror, from literally no where. Probably magic I would guess. and handed it to me. I looked at him questionably as I looked in the mirror. I focused it on my head but saw no changes, then I noticed something twitch.. The ears...They...They twitched! The headband was gone and know the  ears were attached to my head?! How is this possible?!

"What did you do?!!?!"

"To hard to explain, lets just say the magic hooks into your collar and brain cells, making it sorta automatic, Its the perfect color to, matches your hair Kiddo."

"Its so..."

They looked at me with suspicion, getting ready for a crying break down probably.


They jumped back and looked at me weirdly. A light brush spread across my cheeks. Forgetting i was in captivity, I slouched down. 

"Does it really look that bad?..."




"Y-Yes human you look awesome...(so cute).."

"Yeah don't sweat kiddo...(Adorable)..."

I smiled.

"Thanks hehe"

Light blushes spread across both their cheeks. They looked away with a scowl.

"Well come on, let's go, I made breakfast..."

I nodded and the skeletons walked out the door. I followed and was back in the hallway. It was a lot more lush then expected. Apparently we were in a lounge I didn't see last night. We walked down the stairs and came into a huge kitchen. Sans sat down on a chair and papyrus went to go get the food. Sans motioned me forward and pulled out the chair next to him with his magic. I sat down. I went closer to sans.

"(Is his cooking good?)"

"(Yeah best in the underground. Just be prepared.)"

I raised a eyebrow but returned to my original spot. A few seconds went by and papyrus turned around and set some pots and pans on the table. He gave sans a plate and set down his own. Where is myn? And what does sans mean be prepared? Sans grabbed a fork and opened a pan. A mixed amount of ham and eggs lay in the pan, and I must admit it smelled good. He opened a few more pans and even more yummy food was revealed. He stood up and started upstairs.

"Wish you luck kiddo, I'm going back to bed."

"Sans don't trash your room!"

"Sure sure, don't be to weird"

That was the first time papyrus had called him his real name in all technicality. I looked back at papyrus, he was staring at me as he brought over another pot. He sat down in sans spot, his figure dominating it. He grabbed his plate and started putting food on. I felt my insides burn up just by watching. Well cant hurt to ask, right? 

"Can I ask a question master?"

He paused getting food, then continued.

"What is it mongrol?"

"Do I get to eat?"

I was starving and would have held back the question, but, food is a important thing to me. Papyrus looked down on me with a smirk. I don't know if I regretted it yet.

"On the contrary. You are the pet, and the pet needs to be fed."

How do I feel like what he said was bad? Also it was a sad turn on. He pulled the back of my chair closer and sat across from me. My legs were inside of his and his figure made me feel tiny. Well I already was, but still, smaller. 

"Open wide pet."

I gave him a questionable look. And opened my mouth. He started eating and sent a spoonful of food my way like a grown up would do to a adult. Then next moment he was ontop of me, the spoon was on the floor. He smirked and started kissing me. This isn't food...His mouth still had food in it! I started squirming as he force fed me by mouth. All of the food had been chewed and was wet. I was squirming really hard trying to escape his grip. He slammed my hands above my head and kept feeding me. My mouth was getting full and I was gonna have to swallow soon. He sat back up, and held one of his hands over my mouth. 

"Swallow pet if you don't want a punishment."

Harsh words. What could I do? I slowly started to swallow the food given to me. The wetness went down my throat, already chewed. I Felt like my throat was being rapped as a result. The food no longer sounded yummy. I swallowed the last bite and nodded. He smirked and started eating more food. 

"Open wide...."

Why am I so turned on by this?

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