9. A confession

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I sat on the couch watching miss kitty mew mew fight off monsters. She was such a awesome anime character! Although almost every anime character is. I looked over. Sans was sleeping deep in the couch, going deeper every second. It was kinda funny. Although he was really cute when he was sleeping...Just saying. It had been almost a month of me living here now. I had gotten into a routine of sleeping, cleaning, and sexing. It was tiring, but, I got to watch anime right? Even papyrus was laying off of me. Although the sex was still daily, and I still sadly enjoyed it. I heard the door open and slam. I looked over, papyrus had come home looking quit pissed. He looked over at me and just growled before heading up the stairs and slamming his door. What made him so edgy today? Most days he was but, it felt different this time. I looked at sans who was still snoozing on the couch. Why didn't it affect him? Papyrus was in a huge pissy mood all the time, I guess he just got used to it. Well I refused to be used to this. I was starting to adore papyrus, not because the sex was great, but, his eyes made me feel indifferent. He had to be a caring person deep down inside, right? I shook my head and stood up. I wont let him be sad, even if it meant being raped once more. Not like its not a normal pleasure for now. I looked at sans and started sneaking up the stairs. He would object to this, he had grown protective over me. All the night talking and day when he wasn't sleeping, had really brought us close. But, I have to do this, for papyrus. I made it upstairs without making a peep and slowly opened his door. I could see him sitting on the bed calmly. Or so it looked, in fact, his dresser was turned over and the lamp was broken. He was also ripping up pieces of paper quickly. I opened the door a tad more to sneak in and walked in front of him, 5feet away. 

"B-Boss, are y-you ok?"

He looked up, his face a heavy scowl.

"Why the hell would I be ok pet, Do I look fucking ok?"

"Not in a million years in all honesty."

He looked at me straight in the face.

"Why are you even talking to me, you don't have the fucken permission from me maggot!"

Words hurt as people say, but, it didn't really hurt. I looked at him and moved closer.

"You may not like it when I over step master, but..."

I raised a hand to his cheek and stroked it.

"A pet has to look out for their masters."

He looked up, as if I had said a magic word. He looked calm, for a second dignified. He just sat, staring. 

"Let me please you master, let me help you feel better."

He nodded.

"Do what you will pet."

Almost as if a magic word was spoken, I slowly closed in and started kissing his boney teeth. What's funny, he kissed back. I started slowly and went faster,  french kissing quickly I didn't realize how much I had grown to love the skeletons. They were in a sense my music. I hated to sound sentimental but I was in love with two brothers, might as well be. They tortured me, papyrus fucked me, and sans said so many jokes. Family almost, well not to close to be family...That would be weird. I took my tongue and licked his teeth while I escaped his mouth. Since I was in love...I would do anything to cheer them up, anything. Even tag teams if I had to. I slowly started kissing down papyrus's armor, reaching his bones and slowly slipping off the armor set. I could see his ribs and back. Sexy in all honesty. But, maybe it was because I was a freak, or just wanted to see my love as someone of sexy equality. I had no idea as I started to lick his ribs. I could feel him shiver, as I bit on a bone, he squeaked. Such a cute sound, I wanted more. I bit lightly into another bone, leaving a small mark. My mark, nothing like having proof on my master. I started going down once more, licking his pelvis. He shaked and quivered, squeaking more and more. I started taking off his pants, but, he stopped me.

"S-Stop I can't do this right now p-pet."

He sounded so hot and bothered, so why was he resisting something he wanted so much?

"Why, don't you want me master?"

"Y-Yes I do pet...But, I just want something else right now..."

I put a brow up.

"What do you-"

My sentence dropped short as he pulled me to him quickly, and without another word, Sat up against the bed frame. Hugging me close. His bones dug into my skin making me more aroused. His frame had stopped moving as he put his jaw on the top of my hair, using another hand to play with it. 

"I just want to sit like this with you pet."

I blushed. What w-was going on here?

"B-But master don't y-you want..."

"Later. Right know I just want to smell your scent and touch your hair. Its soft, and I find that very appealing."

His voice no longer shook. What was he thinking...Why?

"O-Ok master..."

"Shh don't talk."

He put his hand that he was holding me back with on my mouth. Why does he suddenly want silence?

"Your a very pretty human ya know that...I could just get drunk off your smell...Your laugh...Even your body.."

I heard him growl a little, as if holding back fucking me.

"And since you intoxicate me so...Your never allowed to leave me..."

He used his left hand to make sure my lips wouldn't move. Then his right hand started to trail against my thigh. I'm gonna start squirming at this rate...

"And If you do leave me...I guess...You will leave..."

Wait what w-what was he saying.

"You can leave, I'm not gonna stop you...Just know, I will never stop chasing after you...Protecting you...And trying to touch all of you..."

His hand stroked up my thigh over my women areas, and started to rub a little bit in a circular rotation. I squirmed a little.

"I will always find you...And keep you safe...But I will never be able to control myself...I love it when you squirm...You're pretty good prey ya know that?..."

He started taking off my basketball shorts sans had lent me, and dragged them half way down. Then, he started to use his hand to climb inside of my underwear. I started squirming even harder, I was leaking...He leaned in close to my neck, and with his long tongue licked my ear, slowly. It make me shiver as his hands started to rub my pussy slowly. He came closer to my ear and whispered something.

"I love ya doll."

I froze still. Did he just confess himself? But, w-why?...How did I get in this situation. He retreated his hand on my pussy and pulled my basketball shorts up again. 

"Your gonna need new underwear aren't you?...Hope you don't mind lace doll."

Why is he calling me that? What the hell!?

"M-Master why are you calling-"

"Don't call me that anymore. I want you to call me papy...Only in the bedroom call me master."

"O-Ok papy...Umm what does that m-mean?.."

He positioned himself and turned me around. Letting me face him. His eyes were no longer shaking with hatred, but, passion, envy. He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Like I said I'm in love with you doll. So I won't let you get away. I'll give you anything you want, anything in the underground is yours. Even your...Freedom. I'm just...I will follow you wherever you go, and stay by your side...I won't lose you, but, I won't lock you up anymore."



His lips came closer as I said my final words, and he gave me a passionate kiss on the cheek. 

"Oh and doll..."

"Y-Yeah paps?..."

"I wasn't kidding about the lace."

Underfell  x shy reader LEMONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora