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Prologue: The Beginning

It started out to be a perfect day for the Atlantians. The sky was blue and the water was calm. Until a huge vibration, along with a burst of light over the horizon, meant that something was coming. Two fishermen looked up from there catch to the ocean, they saw soldiers on flying fish like vehicles and dragons coming towards them. Behind of them was a large tidal wave that was gaining on them.

"We have to warn the people of Atlantis" One of the soldier on one of the shimmer was a Pooka. He shouted to the man on top of the lunar dragon, who nodded his head in response.

Both of them shot through the air, trying to outrun the wave to make it to the city. They swept through the city, shouting warnings of the upcoming danger. The guards on the warning tower got up and looked out. Once seeing the wave one guard ran to the mic and shouted for everyone "To head to the shelter". The others let gongs ring, and scream were heard below as all the Atlantians tried to run and hide.

It was like the sky knew what was happening for it turned grey and cloudy, causing the air to get heavy. The crystal in the sky turned red and beams shot out like it was looking for something or panicking itself.

More screams filled Atlantis as everyone ran towards the palace thinking higher ground could save them. No one had any idea how bad it would get. Three royals were panicking like everyone else. The Queen told her husband to take their son and head to the palace. She prayed that death would come at quick to her people and family, for no one will be able to survive this.

As the King pulled his son, Jack, to safety, he felt Jack tug on his arm and looked back to see Jack reach for his toy warrior. "Jack leave it" The king kneeled in front of his son and grabbed his shoulders. Trying to explain to the small boy of five "We have no time for it. We must...."

A red beam landed on the king and prince. It turned to blue as the King turned to look at the light and stood up. The king looked up at the crystal and his eyes turned a neon blue. Electricity flowed through his body and his body lifting into the air. His grip on his son lightened and the only thing he had in his hand was the bracelet that belonged on his son.

Jack looked around in confusion. It wasn't until he didn't feel his father hand that he looked up to see him be lifted away.


The Queen heard her son shout for his father and saw he dear husband engulfed by the crystal. Knowing what was about to happen, she grabbed his son close her chest and told him "Close your eyes Jack"

The crystal rotated fast that it looked like Saturn, a bright light of blue and electricity shout out and caused a force field surrounded the city. People tried to get run as they could to get beyond the field. Only those who crossed were safe, but those behind were not lucky, for when the wave hit, water overlapped the city. Ripping the stones and people apart. The crystal and city was then engulfed by the ground and water filled it place. When all was settled, it looked like nothing was there.


No one knew for sure if there was a city called Atlantis. Nothing can be showed as proof that it was a real place. Only light remnants of stories and artifacts from different cultures. Until one story of the shepherd's journal. A book filled with experiences in Atlantis. Anyone who found this book, would find the riches of Atlantis and the story of how they lived. But in this story, we are going to take a journey to find the Lost Empire.

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