Chapter 3: Boiler and Flaming Fireflies

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Chapter 3: Boiler and Flaming Fireflies

Cars were loaded, bags were tossed around. Everyone was working together to get everything ready for the journey ahead.

"Okay people! Get ready! Lieutenant, I want this convoy moving five minutes ago!" Alvin shouted task for all the crew members.

"Tuffnut, you're on point!" Heather shouted as she walked over to one of the trucks she would be riding it. When she saw Snotlout heading towards the wrong truck she corrected him. "No Snotlout, Astrid's taking the oiler. You know the rules, I want you fifty yards behind that truck at all times. And Ruffnut.... Put out that cigarette."

Alvin looked around as he watched everyone get into positions. It wasn't until he heard that god awful beep that he turned to see Hiccup playing with the truck's horn. Hiccup continued to play with it until Alvin ripped the horn off the truck and tossed it onto the ground.

"Are you sure you're checked out on this class of vehicle?" Alvin wiped his hands on his shirt and saw Hiccup give him a confused look. "Can you drive a truck?"

Hiccup watched as Alvin pointed to the vehicle next to them before sliding into it to demonstrate his semi knowledge of it. "Pftt hehe. What not to get? You got your steering ... and your gas and your break... and, of course, this metal uh looking...thing"

Alvin gave Hiccup a broad unconvinced stare as Hiccup played with the leavers.

"Okay, so it was a bumper car at Coney Island" Hiccup let out a huff when he got caught. "But it's the same principle"


Few minutes later, trucks, cars, and large motorize, such as the giant drill, were honking and beeping at the small trunk, driven by Hiccup, in front. Yelling could be heard as Hiccup desperately tried to get the truck to go but soon came to a stop right after.

This intern caused the new siltation of tying Hiccup's truck to the digger. Hiccup mopped since there was nothing he could do but play with the steering wheel as they climbed the steep hill.

Climbing their way through the deep caverns, coming across pillars and old relicts that meant they were on the right track. Through the maze they went. Navigating tunnels and stone like roads. Careful not to fall, for a steep drop was below. Coming to cliffs, they had to use ropes. Steadily pulling down the vehicles to the lower side below, for one wrong move, they could come down on the jagged rocks.

At last they met with two paths that went through both eyes of the skull like face of the mountain. Halting their cars, they waited for Hiccup to scan the book to know which way to go. Hiccup pointed to the right one, sure as he was, they drove up to the right eye, and a large worm monster shot out and tried to attack them. Quickly turning around, anger of unhappy face as the group blamed the boy for his mistake. Hiccup turned the book trying to figure out what went wrong. When he saw it was the other way, he was embarrassed as he pointed the other way.

They went into the stalagmite cavern, a beautiful water fall to in the rafters. Some masked creatures were trailing in the far cavern from the group. Following after them, like they were curious about the fellow crew.


A short break they had. Hiccup looked in the supply cart and spotted a water canteen. He began to unscrew and drink from it, but then saw Snotlout come over to him and look at him in horror.

When he saw Hiccup wipe his mouth off, Snotlout said "You didn't just drink that, did you?"

Hiccup nodded his head in satisfying his thirst.

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