Rise of Atlantis & The Fall of Pitch

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Chapter 9: Rise of Atlantis & The Fall of Pitch

Dawn broke through as the crystal lit up the sky. Everyone was getting ready for the war that was going to take place. Pookas were stretching for the run they would be doing. Vehicles' engine turning on and lighting up. Dragons roared as they were saddled and riders ready. Everyone said their goodbyes and which their warriors the best. Hoping, praying that the war would turn in their favor.

In one of the out coves, Hiccup and Jack were gearing up. Hiccup was wearing one of the dragon rider's suits (Outfit from HTTYD 2) that Jack had given him. Buckling the last buckle, he turned around to see Jack.

"How do I look?" Hiccup showed an award smile as he showed it off.

"Perfect" Jack was in the same gear, but his was blue and white with some white fur in the collar. He walked up to Hiccup and placed a kiss on his lips. They both smiled as each other until the moment was ruined.


There in the door way stood Astrid, Tooth, Elsa, and Anna.

"Hey Bunny! You owe me 20 nofigs" Shouted Tooth, causing the embarrassed the two lovers to blush red.

"TOOTH!" Jack whined while Hiccup blushed.

"Oh get over it" Elsa laughed and tried to ease the tension. "Tooth and Bunny have been going at it since you two met"

"Except Bunny thought it would take longer for you two..." Anna making gestures by pointing her two pointer fingers together, making the two blush even more.

"You heard!?" Hiccup almost yelled.

"Hey, small camp and man can you boys really let it out" Astrid smirked as the two boy faces blushed even more.

"Hey Astrid! Are they unsexing yet!?"

"Unsexing is not a word, you dolt"

"Well I'm sorry, but last time I checked we were at WAR!"

"We're coming" Hiccup pushed the squealing girls out the door with Jack behind him.

Both Hiccup and Jack saddled up on their dragons and gave each other a look. "Let's go!"

Toothless and Amphitrite flew into the air. It was the signal for everyone that it was time to go. Roars from warrior and the crowd could be hear. Everyone flew into the sky as the Pookas raised on the ground. Ready for the war ahead. To the heart of Atlantis they went, to fight for their freedom and home.


Back at the Palace, Pitch walked onto the balconies. Gear on and everything ready. He saw Hyde come towards him with a dark smile.

"There coming, sir"

"Good" Pitch got on his dragon, who gave a nasty screech. "Let's go to WAR!"

The army of warrior, red crystals around there neck shines, let out a cry as they got on their vehicles and started them up. Glowing red, they were saddle by men in black. Black and red like their souls, they intended to win with blood, violence, and broken spirits.

For as the fog lifted, hell broke loose.

Blast and shots were fired as the fights got more intense by the minute. Pookas, Atlantians, and dragons fighting for the right to live. Bunny fought tooth and claw at his once Pooka brotheren. When he saw that brown Pooka watch and wait, anger filled him.

"Hyde" Bunny growled and run at Hyde.

Hyde smirked as he too ran straight for Bunny. They both slammed into each other. Claws drew blood as they went at it. Bunny fending off Hyde and swung his boomerang at him.

Atlantis (Hijack)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ