Chapter 7: Saving Jack

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Chapter 7: Saving Jack

They pad locked the crystalized Jack. Locking him in a steel like cell. The window that enable people to see Jack became fogy and crystalized. Astrid tightened the last bolt on the cell before jumping off.

Hiccup tried to reason with the group one last time before they left. "So...I guess this is it then, huh? You're wiping out an entire civilization. But hey, you'll be rich" Hiccup went down the line of his so called friends. "Congrats Astrid, guess you and your dad will be able to open that second garage after all." He saw how everyone's faces fell, but let his anger go. "And Snotlout, you can start a whole chain of flower shops. I'm sure your family's' going to be proud of you. But that's what this is all about, right. Money."

"Oh get over yourself boy" Alvin had just about enough of Hiccups banter. "You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along"

One of his men came up to Alvin and told him they were ready to go.

"Yeah, give me a minute." Alvin walked over to Hiccup. "I know I'm forgetting something" Alvin began counting with his fingers as he thought aloud. "I got the cargo, the crystal, the crew...." Alvin's face then lit up when he remembered. "Oh yeah" Alvin decked Hiccup square in the jaw.

Everyone gasped, as mummers and whispered filled the air. Even Elsa had to hold back Bunny before he got shot.

"Look at it this way, son" Alvin walked over to the truck. "You were the man who discovered Atlantis and now you're part of the exhibit." Alvin climbed into the truck. Shutting the door, he shouted to his men. "Move out!"

Heather yelled. "That was an order, not a suggestion"

Everyone climbed into their designated vehicle, but Astrid paused in thought and let out a depressed sigh. She kicked the door open and climbed out. She trudged put of the door towards Hiccup. Snotlout, the twins, even Mildew looked at each other before following in suit. Astrid and Snotlout helped Hiccup to his feet and they all turned to give Alvin a glare.

Alvin sigh when he saw the group act stupid. "Oh, you can't be serious"

"This is wrong and you know it" Astrid yelled.

"We're this close to our biggest payday ever!" Alvin shouted at them "And you pick now of all times to grow a conscience"

"We've done a lot of things we're not proud of" Snotlout admitted.

"Yeah" Tuffnut backed Snotlout up. "We may have done grave robbing, plundering tombs, double parking, but hey, nobody got hurt"

"Well, nobody we knew" Ruffnut backed her brother up.

"Well, if that's the way they want it" Heather climbed into the truck that had the crystal. "More for us" She looked at the rear view to see Hyde in the crowd.

The cars rode off and onto the wooden bridge. Hiccup watched them leave. He started to move forwards when Snotlout held him back.

"Wait a minute"

Under the bridge were a bunch of left over explosions from Snotlout. The bridge lit up and Alvin through the detonator into the wide riven as they drove off. Hiccup could not believe that the bridge that connected them to the caverns was gone. He turned to Snotlout, who gave him a nonchalant shrug.

"At the last minute, Alvin wanted me to set off some explosions, so no one would follow us."

"Nice Snotlout" Astrid huffed, ready to punch him.

"Hey! Its not my fault as of two seconds ago we were on Alvin's side"


Hiccup looked up at the palace to see Gobber calling for him. "You better get in here"

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