Chapter 8: Betrayal, PLans, and Love

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Chapter 8: Betrayal, Plans, and Love

"Moan" Jack let out a groan, trying to wake up from his deep slumber. Slowly his eyes opened as his hands came to his forehead from the pounding it delivered. Jack noticed he had a blanket on him as he slowly sat up and saw he was in his room. He was on his bed, (similar to the bed from kh bbs, sleeping beauty),looking around he saw the tiled floor, dresser, desk with chair, ect.

"I'm glad your awake" Pitch was staring Jack's open window.

"Pitch" Jack glared, but grabbed his head when a shooting pain came back.

"Careful Jack" Pitch came over to Jack

"That's...." Jack saw the spear in in the man's hands and recognized it.

"Yes, your mother little trinket" Pitch examined the weapon. "But she didn't tell you did she" Pitch held up the spear. "This is a weapon of mass destruction. My father invented it"

"Your father...." Jack tried to not let of gasp when he realized that the man that Pitch was talking about, was the man who his mother would mumble about. Something about him being cruel and devious. Similar to Pitch. But his mother always said that he was someone which Jack should never meet. One Jack believed to be the cause of their worlds damnation.

"Yes, my father. She didn't tell you did she? That they worked together. Creating weapons from the crystal's power" Pitch showed Jack the weapon. "This was one of them. A shard from the crystal itself. With just a touch on the heart, it can drive them into their darkest fear with no way out. "

Jack watched as Pitch looked at the weapon with glee. "You won't get away with this"

"I don't think so Jack" Pitch smirked at the frighten boy. "Once we take over the surface world, everything will be as it should. You and that crystal."

Jack growled at him. "I'll never help you"

"I don't think you have a choice" Pitch reach up to pet the boy but Jack tried to bite him. "Now, now Jack. We wouldn't want anything to happen to your so called pet"

"What...."Jack watched as Pitch went over to the door.

"Oh but Jack, I thought you liked that weak boy you so desperately fawn over." Pitch then let out a smirk when he saw Jack's eyes widen.

"Pitch, what did you do?"

"No Jack. What did you do?" Pitch exited through the door.

Once Pitch was gone, Jack went into a full outrage. Getting out of the bed by throwing the blanket off him. He tried to stand but fell to his knees from little strength, but his adrenaline was kicking in. He sat up and pounded the floor with his hands as hard as he could. After a while tears flowed down his face. His hands came to a halt. Hands blistered and battered, as his head fell in sadness.


Jack lifted his head to see four connecting tiles lift up and through the crack he saw Tooth and Anna.

"Jack" Anna whispered.

Jack crawled over to the opening. "Anna...Tooth"

"Come on Jack" Tooth helped Jack into the opening.

Anna closed it after Jack was in, as they crawled through the tunnels. Like they had done since they were kids.


Pitch walked down the halls, humming to himself, thinking Jack was still locked in his room. He was almost to his destination when he was halted by a yell.

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