Chapter 4: Atlantians & Their Problems

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Chapter 4: Atlantians & Their Problem

Hiccup was slowly coming to. Darkness was the only thing that surrounded him at first. The only thing he knew was that he was leaning against some sort of stone and he was in pain. He guessed that when the crash happened, his body was flunged away from the group. When everything started becoming clear, Hiccup started hearing voices. He slowly opened his eyes to come face to face with those masked creatures, unknown to Hiccup, that were following them.


"Neva no ida?"

"I-de novage"

Hiccup started to panic as he tried to backup but the stone behind him made him unable to. Pointing their spears at him, he couldn't figure out if they wanted to attack him or examine him. Hiccup suddenly felt a sharp pain on the left side of his chest. He reached out to grab it the wound and one of the creatures came close to him.

Lifting it mask, Hiccup came face to face with the most stunning albino boy he had ever seen. Watery crystal eyes that you could swim in came closer to look at the wound. Hiccup gaped at the boy, but could only watch and stare as the boy took his blue crystal necklace and placed it on the wound. Dragging it lightly over the wound a couple of times until it glowed. He then suddenly placed his hands on the glowing wound. It began to glow as well. Hiccup gasped as a shot of electric pain through his body. The boy lifted his head off and Hiccup turned to look at his wound. Shocked crossed his face when he saw that his wound suddenly was gone.

Hiccup touched the non-wounded place. He could not believe that it was gone. No mark or scars remained. He looked up at the boy who gave him a loving smile. Pulling his mask back on, they bounded away as the ground began to tremble.

Out came the drill with a bunch of shouts from the expedition crew. But Hiccup was preoccupied with trying to stop the creatures from away. He ran after them.

Quick as they were, they were definitely unnatural beings that moved like they knew the terrain. Hiccup stumbled and climbed the jagged rocks. Until he came to an opening that was filled with mist and growth.

Hiccup shout "Who are you!?"

The digger came through the wall behind him. Every one of them, Gobber, Astrid, Snotlout, and the twins, stared in awe. Gobber rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

The scenery was breath taking. A large waterfall so high that if you looked at the top of it, you will see a stone ivory city of Atlantis. At last the city they craved was in front of them.

"Sweet mother of Thor"

"It's so beautiful"

"Hiccup, I got to hand it to you" Snotlout patted Hiccup on the back for a job well done. "You really came through"

Suddenly, the warrior that had healed Hiccup were behind them. They pointed there spears at the introducers.

"Okay, I take it back" Snotlout quickly put Hiccup in front of him like a shield.

"Holy Yak" Tuffnut appeared behind his sister. "Who are these guys?"

"They got to be Atlantians" Hiccup got out of Snotlout's grip and walked a little towards them.

"What? That's impossible" Astrid couldn't believe what Hiccup was saying.

"I've seen this before. They can smell fear just by looking at you" Tuffnut held Ruffnut in front of him "Everybody get behind Ruffnut"

"Nashigan prata, me yun nescata niya nasuveniya"

"I think it's talking to you" Gobber whispered to Hiccup.

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